Zorros sobre la autogestión de su nuevo álbum, Qué significa ‘Foxing’ y Una mejor calidad de sufrimiento”

It just felt like it was the most Foxing thing we’ve ever done, so it made sense to self-title it. It’s like a mission statement, in a way.

Can you talk a bit about the collaborative process behind the album, especially with self-producing it?

Eric was really the producer of the album. He did most of the tracking, the editing, and the mixing. But the collaborative process was really intense. We were all in the studio together the whole time, and we all had a hand in everything. It was really cool because we all had our own strengths and weaknesses. Eric is really great at the technical side of things, and I’m more on the emotional side of things. So we would push and pull each other in different directions. There were moments where we would butt heads, but it was always constructive. And I think that tension really helped make the album what it is. We all had a lot of input, but we also trusted each other a lot. If someone felt strongly about something, we would usually defer to that person. It was a really great process, and I think it’s the best album we’ve made because of that collaboration.

What are you most excited for people to hear on this album?

I think I’m most excited for people to hear the rawness of it. I feel like this album is the most honest we’ve ever been. It’s not polished or perfect – there are mistakes and imperfections, but I think that’s what makes it special. It’s really raw and emotional, and I think people will be able to connect with that. I’m also excited for people to hear the growth that we’ve had as a band. I think this album really shows how far we’ve come and how much we’ve evolved as musicians and as people. I hope that comes across to listeners.

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Where do you see the band going from here?

That’s a tough question. I think we’re just going to keep doing what we’re doing – making music that we love and that we believe in. We’re going to keep pushing ourselves to grow and evolve as a band. I don’t know what the future holds, but I know that we’re going to keep working hard and making music that we’re proud of. I hope that people will continue to connect with our music and that we can keep growing our fanbase. But ultimately, we’re just going to keep doing what we love and see where it takes us.

Thank you so much for taking the time to talk with me today. Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Just thank you to everyone who listens to our music and supports us. We wouldn’t be where we are without our fans, and we’re so grateful for all the love and support we’ve received. We can’t wait for people to hear the new album, and we hope they love it as much as we do.

It’s like saying, “Everything else is trash, but at least I have these relationships.” But I think the hopefulness comes from doing the thing itself. It’s like, “We are doing this. We are putting our whole selves into this.” And I think that’s where the hopefulness comes from. It’s like, “We’re making a better quality of suffering by actually putting in the effort.” And I think that’s where the hopefulness in the record comes from – just actually doing the thing itself. It was a way for me to come to terms with the fact that this band is a big part of my life, but it’s not the only thing that defines me. I think making this album helped me appreciate the band and what it means to me in a new light. It made me realize that, yes, I love doing this and it brings me joy, but there are other things in life that are just as important, if not more so. It forced me to confront my identity outside of being a band member, and that was a really important and eye-opening experience for me.” Y espero que sea lo suficientemente universal como para traducirse a otras carreras o pasiones donde se mira un gran trozo de tu vida que has dedicado a algo o alguien y te preguntas: ¿Cómo puedo existir sin esta cosa, aunque todavía estoy existiendo con ella? ¿Cómo puedo prepararme para no hacer esto más? ¿Y valió la pena? Así que fue una gran oportunidad para mí hacerlo a través de la escritura y plasmar mis pensamientos en la página. La forma en que lo veo ahora es: esta banda sigue siendo mi carrera, pero estoy tratando de verla menos como mi ser entero y más como mi salida creativa y mi trabajo que hago con otras personas. Lo hacemos juntos, y eso es increíble, pero luego me voy a casa y realmente tengo una vida fuera de eso. Eso es a lo que estoy tratando de llegar, al menos.

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Esta entrevista ha sido editada y condensada para mayor claridad y longitud.

Foxing’s Foxing se lanzará el 13 de septiembre a través de Grand Paradise.