Un momento histórico en Sudáfrica para un ANC humilde

South Africa has once again formed a national unity government, three decades after a similar arrangement helped smooth the transition to democracy from a nation torn apart by apartheid. This time, the ruling African National Congress (ANC) had to negotiate a deal after losing its majority in elections. It’s a significant moment for the country, as the ANC now includes the white-led Democratic Alliance as a partner, a partnership once thought impossible. The DA, which advocates for free-market economics, emerged from a coalition that included remnants of the apartheid-era ruling National Party. While some ANC breakaway parties remain outside the unity government, the agreement shapes South Africa’s political future as the new parliament convened for the first time since the historic elections last month.

The composition of the government, including cabinet posts, will be revealed in the coming days. However, this coalition differs from the one Nelson Mandela negotiated in 1994, as the ANC now acts out of political necessity rather than strength. The new coalition mirrors the one from thirty years ago, with the ANC teaming up with the National Party and the Inkhata Freedom Party. The IFP has confirmed its involvement, along with the Patriotic Alliance, ensuring Cyril Ramaphosa’s continued presidency.

Though labeled a national unity government, experts like TK Pooe from Wits University believe it’s more of a camouflage to avoid acknowledging it as a grand coalition. Notably, the coalition excludes the third and fourth-place parties in the election, the MK party and the EFF, known for their radical policies on land nationalization and wealth redistribution.

The announcement of the coalition brings relief to investors and the private sector, who feared the left-wing policies of the ANC’s natural allies. The EFF and MK’s exclusion from the coalition indicates a move towards stability, though challenges exist in reconciling the differing views of the ANC and DA on key issues like healthcare and economic empowerment.

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The success of the coalition remains uncertain, with concerns about potential disruptions from the opposition parties in the future. For ANC supporters, the question lingers on whether the party will have to compromise its ideology to accommodate its new partners. The outcome of South Africa’s seventh parliament will be crucial in determining the future direction of the country and its political landscape. Si no realmente hace nada – solo somos torpes hacia ser un país en desarrollo firmemente establecido y luchando. Visite BBCAfrica.com para más noticias del continente africano. Síguenos en Twitter @BBCAfrica, en Facebook en BBC Africa o en Instagram en bbcafrica. Podcasts de BBC Africa.