Explorando el mundo milagroso de las mitocondrias

As an advocate for the important role of mitochondrial health in overall well-being, I was excited to have the chance to meet with esteemed mitochondrial researcher Hemal Patel, a biology professor at the University of California in San Diego. We delved into the latest advancements in our knowledge of these incredible cellular powerhouses, as well … Leer más

Juegos Olímpicos de París 2024: Un boxeador llamado Delicioso, ‘Supermamá’ regresa, un regreso milagroso y más – El nuevo equipo de boxeo de GB | Noticias Olímpicas

I feel like I’m fighting for everyone that has helped me along the way and for every person that has supported me. It’s an amazing feeling to have that support behind me. I’m really excited to represent GB and hopefully bring home a medal. It’s something I’ve been working towards for a long time and … Leer más