“Soy una tirana”: la superestrella pop Sabrina Carpenter sobre la fama extravagante, luchando contra Disney y escribiendo la canción del verano | Sabrina Carpenter

One of the turning points in Carpenter’s career was a minor scandal that she turned into a couple of catchy viral hits. This led to her securing a support slot on Taylor Swift’s Eras tour, where she charmed fans with her manicured-but-screwball performances. The success of her single “Espresso” seemed to come out of nowhere for many listeners, but Carpenter describes it as an “overnight success 10 years in the making.”

Raised in small-town Pennsylvania, Carpenter started working as a child actor at the age of 11. She found success with a role in “Girl Meets World,” a Disney Channel spin-off of the 90s sitcom “Boy Meets World,” which lasted four years. She also signed a deal with Disney’s Hollywood Records. Carpenter had a “no plan-B mentality” from a young age and did the hard work required of any aspiring teen star, including shows in shopping malls, TV movies, and a support tour for the British boy band the Vamps.

Carpenter acknowledges that there are both beautiful and dark sides to the entertainment industry. Despite facing criticism and being called a “flop” many times, she persevered because of her love and passion for music. She learned to be less critical of herself in the early years of her music career, allowing for experimentation that has shaped her songwriting today. Carpenter’s back catalogue reveals a variety of genres, from ukulele folk to EDM pop, showcasing her versatility as an artist.

As she transitioned into adulthood, Carpenter faced skepticism from those who only saw her as a former Disney star. However, her fame continued to grow, leading her to the stardom she now enjoys. Despite the scrutiny and hate that come with success, Carpenter remains focused on her love for music and her dedication to her craft.

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She has taken control of her career and her image, refusing to be defined by the scandals or the critics. Carpenter has found her voice and her style, and she is unapologetically herself. Despite the challenges and the setbacks, she continues to push forward and create music that resonates with her fans. With the success of her latest album, Short’n’Sweet, Carpenter is proving that she is a force to be reckoned with in the music industry.

As she looks towards the future, Carpenter is focused on staying true to herself and her artistry. She is grateful for the experiences that have shaped her and the lessons she has learned along the way. With a newfound confidence and a renewed sense of purpose, Carpenter is ready to take on whatever comes her way. And as she continues to evolve as an artist, there is no doubt that she will leave an indelible mark on the music world. Dice que “han pasado muchos años” desde que grabó una canción que no coescribió y siente que ahora no respondería bien a la entrada de otras personas. “Soy muy afortunada de no tener gente a mi alrededor diciéndome qué hacer, también soy Tauro, así que si lo hicieran, probablemente me volvería un poco terca”, dice. ¿Es una tirana en el estudio? “Soy una tirana en la vida”.

Por lo tanto, una canción como Please Please Please, en la que ruega a su pareja que no la avergüence en público, y tal vez que se quede en el hotel mientras ella sale. Tras su lanzamiento, muchos especularon que la canción estaba escrita sobre el entonces novio de Carpenter, el actor de Saltburn Barry Keoghan, a quien más tarde incluyó en el video de la canción. Aunque me han advertido que no haga preguntas sobre su vida personal, “¡Haz esa última pregunta, cariño!”, bromea, cuando menciono a Keoghan al final de mi hora con ella, dice que trabajar con él fue “una de las mejores experiencias que he tenido. ¡Estoy muy honrada y tuve la oportunidad de trabajar con un actor tan genial!” Arruga la cara y se burla de su propia diplomacia tímida con una voz nasal: “¡Un actor tan genial!”

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Esta semana, se rumoreaba que habían terminado. Tener que andar con pies de plomo alrededor de su vida privada, y aceptar que partes de ella se filtrarán de todos modos en la esfera pública, no es la cosa favorita de Carpenter, pero ha hecho las paces con ello. “No es para lo que me inscribí, pero no puedo realmente evitar cuándo nací”, dice de la vida en la era de las redes sociales. “Quiero ser honesta, solo quiero escribir sobre lo que está sucediendo en mi vida como una chica de 25 años. Pero viene con el territorio y solo tengo que ser como … ¡OK!”

Short’n’Sweet ya está disponible en Island Records.