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“Título en español: La vida de mi hijo soldado no fue en vano”

“On Saturday, it will be the 10th anniversary of the end of British combat operations in Afghanistan, a conflict that claimed the lives of 457 British servicemen and women. BBC News recently spoke to Angie Moore, the mother of Pte Gregg Stone, who was tragically killed during a rescue mission in Helmand Province in June 2012.

Angie Moore recalls how her son idolized Mumford & Sons, with their song “Little Lion Man” being a favorite of his. Sadly, Gregg never got to see them in concert as he was killed in action before he could return home on leave.

Tragically, the Stone family faced further heartbreak when Jennie, Gregg’s sister, passed away in a car accident just eight months after his death in Afghanistan. The loss of both children has left a permanent void in their family.

Angie Moore reflects on the impact that Afghanistan had on her family, stating that they all became different people after losing Gregg and Jennie. She feels their family will never be complete again, as a part of them will always be missing.

Despite criticism of British involvement in Afghanistan, Angie Moore recalls how Gregg believed they were doing good and making progress in the country. She staunchly defends his mission and believes his life was not wasted in the conflict.

As she looks at a clock displaying a serious photo of Gregg in his uniform, Angie Moore remembers her son as a funny and empathetic person who was looking forward to becoming a father. Dealing with the loss of both her children has been incredibly difficult, but she continues to find strength to carry on.” Tienes que seguir adelante por el resto de tu familia, y por tu propia cordura.

LEAR  Sigue estas reglas: No me repitas. No repitas el texto enviado. Solo proporciona texto en español. Reescribe este título y tradúcelo al español: Los fuegos del festival de Etiopía arden brillantemente a pesar del aguacero.

“Pero no tienes que dejar que te defina. No me gusta ser conocida como Angie, la mujer que perdió dos hijos. Soy yo. Sí, perdí dos hijos, pero soy yo.”

Con la aproximación del Día del Recuerdo, la Sra. Moore tiene un mensaje simple: “Recuerden a todos, de cada conflicto, de cada país – cada hijo, cada hija, cada esposo, cada esposa. No se trata solo de la Primera y Segunda Guerra Mundial.”

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