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Sleep is a crucial component of overall health, with experts recommending between seven to nine hours of sleep each night. However, have you ever found yourself waking up feeling exhausted despite meeting this guideline?

You may go to bed at 10PM and wake up at 7AM, hoping for a refreshed and energized start to the day. Instead, you feel fatigued and drained, experiencing tiredness, irritability, and lack of focus throughout the day.

This phenomenon is known as unrefreshing sleep, a common issue affecting millions worldwide. It refers to sleep that fails to adequately rejuvenate the body and mind, leaving individuals feeling as tired upon waking as they did before going to bed. This condition affects a significant percentage of the population, with numbers ranging from 2.4% to 42%.

Unlike insomnia, where individuals struggle to fall or stay asleep, unrefreshing sleep occurs even after falling asleep quickly. The restorative work essential for optimal brain function during sleep does not occur for various reasons, leading to fatigue upon waking.

Experts are uncertain about the exact cause of unrefreshing sleep, although it has been linked to health problems. In most cases, the issue is attributed to a lack of deep restorative rest, preventing individuals from feeling rejuvenated during the day.

Poor-quality, nonrestorative sleep can have detrimental effects on overall health, increasing the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, stroke, dementia, and cancer, as well as reducing life expectancy. It is crucial to address this issue to prevent long-term health complications.

To improve sleep quality, resetting your circadian rhythm is essential. Evaluating lifestyle habits and sleep hygiene practices can help ensure you get the recommended amount of high-quality sleep. It is important to prioritize sleep and prioritize rest to maintain optimal physical and mental well-being. Regula tu alerta y somnolencia corporal respondiendo a los cambios de luz a tu alrededor.

LEAR  Cómo obtener suficiente para una salud óptima.

Sin embargo, muchos de nosotros tenemos un ritmo circadiano alterado debido a malos hábitos, especialmente por no exponernos lo suficiente al sol durante el día y sobreexponernos a la luz excesiva, especialmente la luz azul, por la noche. Para que tu ritmo circadiano vuelva a funcionar normalmente:

• Obtén suficiente exposición al sol por la mañana — Por la mañana, la luz brillante y rica en luz azul del sol señala a tu cuerpo que es hora de despertar. Obtén al menos 10 a 15 minutos de luz natural por la mañana. Esto enviará un fuerte mensaje a tu reloj interno de que ha llegado el día, lo que hace menos probable que se confunda con señales de luz más débiles más tarde.

• Elimina todas las fuentes de luz por la noche — Incluso la mínima cantidad de luz de tu despertador digital o de la farola afuera de tu ventana interrumpe tu sueño. Invierte en persianas opacas o usa una máscara para los ojos durante la hora de dormir.

Evalúa también tu dormitorio — deshazte de las luces LED y fluorescentes, ya que son particularmente problemáticas porque los picos de luz azul no están equilibrados por el rojo y el infrarrojo cercano. Tus dispositivos también son fuentes notorias de luz azul, así que mantenlos fuera de tu dormitorio.

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