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Advancements in Hydrogen-Powered Train Technology

With a growing focus on reducing carbon emissions, the railway industry’s reliance on diesel has come under scrutiny. While rail electrification projects are underway, there is a search for eco-friendly fuel alternatives to keep trains running independently. Despite this, a large number of noisy, CO2-emitting diesel multiple units (DMU) are still in operation, with Germany alone having over 4,000 in service.

However, French rail manufacturer Alstom is aiming to change this with the introduction of the Coradia iLint, the world’s first zero-carbon train powered by hydrogen. Developed in collaboration with German and Canadian companies, this train is based on the Coradia Lint DMU and emits only steam and condensed water, operating almost silently.

Unveiled at the Innotrans trade fair in 2016, the Coradia iLint is set to begin passenger trials in Germany this year. Alstom believes that this train could be a popular choice for rail operators looking to replace their DMUs on non-electrified lines.

Alstom’s ‘train of the future’ features a fuel cell on top of the train that combines hydrogen with oxygen from the air to generate electricity for the train’s movements, emitting only water as steam. Excess energy is stored in lithium-ion batteries for various on-board applications, such as air conditioning and passenger displays.

Alstom’s focus on hydrogen as a sustainable fuel has the potential to revolutionize the railway industry towards zero-emission trains. The company claims that the iLint can reach speeds of up to 140km/h, travel 800km on a single tank of hydrogen, and accommodate up to 300 passengers.

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Hydrogen Generation and Infrastructure

Initially, hydrogen for the iLint was sourced from industrial emissions, but the long-term challenge lies in refueling trains and ensuring a sustainable hydrogen supply. Alstom plans to facilitate this by offering maintenance services and hydrogen infrastructure, including filling stations, in partnership with other companies.

The company is exploring green methods for producing hydrogen, such as electrolysis and natural gas reformation, aiming to reduce CO2 emissions by using wind energy. Germany’s commitment to renewable energy makes it an ideal location for the iLint, with plans to provide 60 trains to four German states by 2014.

Engaging Passengers and Operators

Alstom’s partnership with the Local Transport Authority of Lower Saxony to build 14 iLint trains marks a significant step towards emission-free transport. These trains will be leased to an operator for use on a specific route, with plans to test the first iLint as early as 2018.

With a maintenance agreement spanning 30 years and hydrogen supply from Linde, the iLint project aims to establish a hydrogen society and revolutionize energy storage and transportation. As countries seek to meet climate goals and explore cost-effective alternatives to electrification, the iLint’s success in Germany could pave the way for its adoption in other European countries.

Después de esto, Alstom ha estado en conversaciones para llevar a cabo ensayos en Liverpool, Reino Unido, así como establecer una fuente de hidrógeno de las refinerías en la región.

“Ha habido diálogo con la región de la ciudad de Liverpool y varias compañías operadoras de material rodante sobre cómo podemos desarrollar un demostrador”, dijo el director gerente de Alstom UK para trenes y modernización, Mike Hulme, en una entrevista con la revista The Engineer. “Es una opción que estamos impulsando bastante, y parece que estamos obteniendo cierta tracción”.

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Dependiendo del éxito de su implementación en Alemania, iLint podría resultar ser un caso de prueba importante para el uso de celdas de combustible de hidrógeno en trenes. Hasta entonces, Alstom está en una ofensiva encantadora para atraer más socios europeos.

“iLint: el primer tren de hidrógeno del mundo” fue originalmente creado y publicado por Railway Technology, una marca propiedad de GlobalData.

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