Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on December 4, 2022.
Dr. Dean Ornish, a clinical professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), is renowned for his innovative approach to using food and simple lifestyle changes to enhance health. His book, “Undo It! How Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Reverse Most Chronic Diseases,” delves into this topic.
Ornish is known for his stance against high-protein and high-fat diets, which he believes contribute to the rise in obesity and chronic diseases in America. While we may have differing opinions on this issue, his work in promoting aggressive lifestyle modifications to reduce disease risk and having insurance companies cover these programs is commendable.
Ornish spent 16 years getting his lifestyle program approved by Medicare and various insurance companies to provide individuals with the tools needed to address the root causes of most diseases. This comprehensive approach allows for more impactful changes than the typical 10- to 15-minute doctor visit.
By focusing on dietary changes, increased physical activity, stress reduction, and fostering emotional connections, Ornish has demonstrated that it is possible to reverse conditions like Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and even severe cases of coronary heart disease through lifestyle modifications.
Transforming Health with Lifestyle Changes
One of Ornish’s studies confirmed that these lifestyle changes can also slow, halt, or reverse the progression of early-stage prostate cancer, and likely breast cancer as well. These modifications have been shown to positively influence gene expression, turning off harmful genes and activating beneficial ones that combat various diseases.
Additionally, Ornish’s research with telomeres, in collaboration with Nobel Prize winner Elizabeth Blackburn, revealed that lifestyle changes could increase telomerase enzyme levels, which repair and lengthen telomeres. This cellular rejuvenation was noted as “reversing aging at a cellular level” in a study published by The Lancet.
Despite initial success, the Preventive Medicine Research Institute struggled to sustain its programs due to lack of insurance coverage. Ornish’s efforts to engage insurance companies led to Medicare approving coverage for his program in 2010, marking a significant milestone in changing the reimbursement landscape for preventive healthcare.
Revolutionizing Health Care Reimbursement
Overcoming obstacles, including securing approval from the National Institutes of Health, Ornish successfully implemented his program under Medicare’s intensive cardiac rehabilitation initiative. This milestone paved the way for major insurance companies to follow suit and cover the program, making it accessible to a broader population.
The program, now available in 14 states, consists of 18 sessions focusing on exercise, meditation, stress management, and group support. Remarkably, the program boasts an 85% to 90% adherence rate after one year, leading to improved clinical outcomes and substantial cost savings.
Ornish reported that during the first year of the program, Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield’s costs were 50% lower than a matched control group, while Mutual of Omaha saved nearly $30,000 per patient in the initial year. Ornish believes that sustainable changes are driven by the joy of living rather than the fear of dying, and his program leverages this understanding.
He states that people often feel significantly better soon after changing their lifestyle, such as those with heart disease experiencing a reduction in chest pain. This positive reinforcement motivates individuals to make healthier choices. Ornish emphasizes the importance of supportive environments that foster authentic connections among participants.
Ornish’s book, “Love and Survival: 8 Pathways to Intimacy and Health,” highlights the health benefits of love and social connections. He notes that loneliness and depression can significantly impact overall health and mortality rates. Ornish stresses that addressing emotional pain is crucial in changing harmful behaviors.
Despite the stigma surrounding the term “love” in scientific and medical contexts, Ornish advocates for a love-based approach to wellness. He believes that love plays a crucial role in enabling people to make positive changes in their lives. Meditation is also a key component of Ornish’s program, helping individuals find inner peace and clarity to address underlying causes of illness.
Ornish encourages individuals to meditate and reflect on areas of their lives that may require attention. By cultivating mindfulness through meditation, individuals can gain insights into their well-being and make meaningful, sustainable choices for their health. You may find yourself thinking about a thousand things you need to do or have forgotten to do, and that’s normal. Everyone’s mind tends to wander. When you notice your thoughts drifting, simply bring your focus back to the present moment. This will help quiet your mind in a profound way.
Consistency is key when it comes to mindfulness practice. Just a few minutes at the beginning or end of each day can have a significant impact. If you’re able to dedicate more time, even better.
In his book, Ornish recommends making breakfast and lunch your main meals of the day, and having a smaller dinner or fasting for at least 12 to 14 hours daily. This intermittent fasting approach can help activate autophagy and reduce chronic inflammation.
Ornish suggests experimenting with different eating windows based on your metabolic health. Intermittent fasting can improve sleep, detoxify your body, and promote overall health. It’s important to find a balance between healthy eating habits and social connections.
Ornish proposes a unifying theory of chronic diseases, suggesting that heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer’s share common underlying mechanisms. By adopting a healthy lifestyle, you can address these root causes and prevent multiple diseases simultaneously.
Ornish’s program is outlined in his book “Undo It! How Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Reverse Most Chronic Diseases.” You can also find certified providers and support groups on Ornish.com. The program has shown promising results in treating various conditions without harmful side effects.
Health care providers can become certified in the Ornish program to offer comprehensive lifestyle interventions to patients. This approach emphasizes preventive care and holistic health practices, creating a new paradigm in healthcare. Medicare and insurance companies may cover these services, making them accessible to more people. Algunas de las otras compañías de seguros lo cubren no solo para enfermedades del corazón, sino también para la diabetes Tipo 2, o incluso dos o más factores de riesgo como obesidad, colesterol alto, presión arterial alta y así sucesivamente. La mayoría de las personas con enfermedades cardíacas estarán cubiertas si pueden ir a uno de nuestros programas.
La formación, impartida en el Área de la Bahía, es una combinación de aprendizaje didáctico y experiencial donde atraviesas el programa de principio a fin, tal como si fueras un paciente. Además de eso, asistes a conferencias de Ornish y otros para aprender la base científica de todas las modalidades, y cómo incorporar el conocimiento en tu vida diaria.
Se proporciona una formación continua tanto en el lugar como a través de tecnologías de video. Para mantener la calidad del programa, se requiere que los proveedores se reacrediten anualmente.
“La mayoría de las personas que lo hacen dicen: ‘Esto es lo que he estado esperando. Por esto entré en el cuidado de la salud’. Si solo somos una colección de algoritmos, seremos reemplazados por inteligencia artificial y probablemente una aplicación de iPhone antes de mucho tiempo … Para mí, al menos, es parte de nuestra conspiración de amor. Cuando pasas por este programa, realmente puedes experimentar la diferencia que puede hacer.
A menudo pensamos que los avances en medicina tienen que ser algo realmente de alta tecnología o costoso … Creo que nuestra contribución única ha sido utilizar estas medidas científicas de última tecnología, caras y de vanguardia para demostrar lo poderoso que puede ser este programa muy simple, de baja tecnología y bajo costo …
Incluso en tres días y medio, las personas a menudo encuentran que tienen experiencias transformadoras de vida, lo que las hace aún más apasionadas, comprometidas y efectivas en la formación de sus pacientes con los que trabajarán en última instancia.”