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Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on November 14, 2016.

In the United States, most people have heard of guava, but many have never actually tasted one due to the abundance of apples, bananas, and grapes available. However, like many plant-based foods, guava has its own unique health benefits that are quite impressive.

Guavas belong to the Myrtle family and are commonly grown as shade trees in South and Central America, where they can reach heights of over 30 feet. In Florida, they are typically around 20 feet high, but their growth is often limited due to their invasive nature.

Guava trees are cultivated in various countries such as Malaysia, Vietnam, Hawaii, Peru, Mexico, China, India, and the southern United States. They can have either a single trunk or multiple trunks that form a canopy, with flowers resembling tiny white fireworks and oval or teardrop-shaped leaves.

Known by different names in different regions (such as “amrood” in India), the appearance of guavas varies depending on the variety. The fruits can be pale green, pink, or white, round or oval, and are considered berries by botanists. The flesh inside is typically the same color as the exterior and contains small brown seeds. The taste ranges from sweet to tart, resembling a combination of pear and strawberry.

Guavas are used in desserts, smoothies, sauces, and savory dishes, and their health benefits depend on how they are prepared. Fresh guavas offer the most significant advantages, as they are rarely treated with pesticides or chemicals.

Nutrients in Guavas Improve Immunity

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Guavas are packed with essential nutrients that support overall health. A one-cup serving provides 21% of the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of vitamin A, 20% of potassium (equivalent to a banana), and 20% of folate. However, it’s the vitamin C content that stands out, with each serving providing a remarkable 628% of the RDA. This high vitamin C content makes guavas effective in fighting diseases, including dengue fever.

Guavas are also a good source of folate, which is essential for brain health and the development of a healthy nervous system in unborn babies. These nutrients help boost immune function and prevent and treat various diseases.

Traditional uses of guava include relieving toothaches, canker sores, and promoting wound healing when applied topically. Guavas were also believed to reduce the frequency of epilepsy and convulsions.

Guavas Improve Skin Health, Fight Coughs and Colds

The astringent properties of guavas, especially in unripe fruits, can help treat acne and improve skin texture. Consuming guavas and using a mixture of pulp, juice, and leaves topically can tighten, tone, and detoxify the skin. Studies show that guavas are more effective than many commercial skincare products in improving skin health.

The vitamins A, B, and C in guavas, along with potassium, have antioxidant properties that benefit skin health. Vitamin C, in combination with biotin, can also help prevent hair loss. Guavas have been traditionally used to treat coughs and colds in various cultures, with the immature fruit juice being preferred over ripe guavas, which can worsen respiratory problems.

Fiber – An Essential Nutrient in Guavas

Guavas are rich in fiber, particularly insoluble fiber, which aids in digestion and helps prevent constipation and colon cancer. Guavas have been used as a natural remedy for diarrhea and dysentery due to their astringent properties.

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The alkaline content in guavas helps tighten gums, freshen breath, and disinfect the mouth and intestines. The vitamin C, potassium, and carotenoids in guavas support digestive health and can improve conditions like hemorrhoids and gastroenteritis.

Consuming guavas can also help regulate metabolism, aid in the absorption of essential nutrients, and promote healthy bowel movements by maintaining hydration and flushing out waste.

Guavas and Heart Health

Regular consumption of guavas can help lower blood pressure by preventing blood from thickening. A study in India showed that participants with high blood pressure who consumed guava before meals for 12 weeks experienced a decrease in blood pressure levels. The fiber, vitamins, and minerals in guavas play a crucial role in maintaining heart health and overall well-being.

In conclusion, guavas offer a wide range of health benefits, from boosting immunity to improving skin health and promoting heart health. Incorporating guavas into your diet can provide essential nutrients and support overall well-being. Un estudio informó que las hojas “inhibieron la producción de especies reactivas de oxígeno (ROS) inducida por peróxido de hidrógeno, la peroxidación lipídica y la muerte celular”.

El contenido de potasio y fibra también apoya la salud cardiovascular al disminuir la presión arterial y reducir el riesgo de accidente cerebrovascular, lo cual está estrechamente relacionado con la función cardíaca.

La fibra en las guayabas está relacionada con la disminución del azúcar en la sangre.

El consumo de guayavas y la prevención del cáncer.

Otros problemas de salud que las guayabas ayudan a mejorar.

Los cólicos menstruales dolorosos aliviados al comer guayabas.

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