Siga estas reglas: No me repita. No repita el texto enviado. Solo proporcione texto en español. Reescribe este título y tradúcelo al español: ‘Disolviendo Ilusiones’ Edición del 10º Aniversario Desafía las Narrativas de Vacunas.

Dr. Suzanne Humphries discusses the release of the 10th anniversary edition of “Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History,” a book on vaccines that was originally published in 2013. She details how vaccine science has been misrepresented to appear safe and effective when they are not. The vaccine industry has deceived the public about the risks and benefits for profit, causing suffering in the process.

Humphries first realized vaccines might be problematic while working as a nephrologist in northern Maine. Despite her concerns, the hospital administration ignored her, leading her to quit in 2011. The high debt from medical school often traps physicians in positions where they have little autonomy in their practice.

After leaving her job, she co-authored “Dissolving Illusions” with Roman Bystrianyk, exploring the history of diseases and vaccines. History shows that vaccines have often been marketed one way to the public, only for the truth to be revealed later. This pattern echoes in the current COVID vaccine situation. This disease did not cause a problem with the vaccines that was bad enough. Every time a new vaccine is introduced, the public is told one thing, but the actual effects are completely different. Doctors who speak out against this are shunned, ostracized, and become fearful of reporting on the negative effects of vaccinations.

This pattern has been ongoing for 225 years, with doctors who have spoken out facing consequences for advocating for their patients and highlighting the harmful effects of vaccines. As a result, an additional 200 pages have been added to the original book ‘Dissolving Illusions’ to reflect new discoveries and provide a deeper understanding of the history for both existing and new readers.

Critics often dismiss clinical experience, demanding bench research and genetic proof of viruses instead. However, clinicians see firsthand the adverse effects of vaccines on their patients, but their experiences are disregarded. The Chief of Medicine at a hospital suggested a research project on vaccine injuries, only to divert attention away from the issue.

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The eradication of polio was primarily due to improvements in sanitation and hygiene, rather than the introduction of vaccines. Research on polio revealed its complexities and the potential role of toxins in causing the disease. The natural polio virus was not typically harmful until humans manipulated it, leading to severe outbreaks and widespread fear.

In conclusion, the history of vaccines and diseases like polio is complex, and clinical experiences should not be dismissed in favor of bench research. Understanding the full picture requires a critical examination of both sides of the debate. This marked the beginning of the push to develop the vaccine, with some disturbing failures occurring during the process.

The Concealment of Salk’s Polio Vaccine Failure

Humphries explains how Jonas Salk was tasked with creating the first polio vaccine, leading to a massive propaganda campaign declaring it as a groundbreaking medical achievement. A year-long large-scale field trial was conducted in 1954, costing millions of dollars. Despite dissenting opinions from scientists and statisticians about the vaccine’s flaws, it was approved for licensing. Two years later, when the full database was examined, it was found to have numerous design and interpretation errors. However, the vaccine had already been released to the public.

Revision of Diagnostic Criteria Masked Polio Vaccine’s Efficacy

Following the vaccine’s introduction, most polio cases were reported in vaccinated individuals. The diagnostic criteria for polio was altered to make the vaccine seem more effective. Previously, a polio diagnosis required two physical exams 24 hours apart, but after the vaccine, patients needed to be reassessed after 60 days. This change made the vaccine appear highly effective, although most cases resolved on their own within two months. Today, most cases of polio are actually caused by the vaccine-derived virus.

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Smallpox Vaccine’s Deadly Consequences

Contrary to the low lethality of the polio vaccine, the smallpox vaccine proved to be significantly more deadly. The death rate from smallpox increased by 50% after the vaccine’s release. This led to a rise in cancer and tuberculosis rates. The eradication of the smallpox vaccine may have been due to the scrutiny of its contents. Experts like Thomas Mac suggested that improved hygiene, rather than the vaccine, was responsible for smallpox’s decline.

Constantly Changing Vaccine Requirements

Vaccination requirements, such as frequency and number of doses, are frequently altered. For example, the polio vaccine initially required a single lifetime dose, but later necessitated multiple initial doses and a booster. This change reflects the fact that vaccines do not provide lifelong immunity, unlike natural immunity. This is also observed with the COVID vaccine, where individuals have received multiple doses yet still contract the virus.

Experience with COVID-19

Humphries shares her own battle with COVID-19, which lasted two weeks. Despite using nebulized peroxide, she struggled to overcome the infection until she took low-dose aspirin, which alleviated her severe body pain. The vascular effects of the virus, particularly the spike protein, were remedied by the aspirin, highlighting the importance of proper blood circulation in fighting the infection. The importance of using low-dose aspirin during COVID is a key factor for me. I believe it is a wise strategy for many individuals, despite the negative portrayal of aspirin due to competition from high-priced NSAIDs.

Following your own truth and inner guidance, like Ashley Armstrong, can lead to positive change in the world. Despite initial challenges, stepping away from conventional medicine has allowed Suzanne Humphries to educate countless individuals about vaccine propaganda.

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Humphries expresses gratitude for the support she has received and acknowledges the role of her book in sustaining her financially. She emphasizes the importance of exploring new health practices and focusing on diet and lifestyle changes for optimal well-being.

In the 10th anniversary edition of “Dissolving Illusions,” historical dietary and sanitary practices are highlighted as key factors in disease prevention. Humphries discusses the unsanitary conditions of the 1800s and the impact of environmental cleanup on public health.

The book “Dissolving Illusions” is available for purchase on and Amazon, providing valuable information and supporting the author’s important work. El mundo necesita comprender la historia detrás de las vacunas para realmente ver el panorama completo.

“Cuando la gente lo lee, incluso si solo lo usa como libro de referencia, te da algún tipo de punto de partida cuando estás hablando con otras personas”, dice.

“De hecho, ha cambiado la mente de muchas personas que estaban totalmente en contra de la idea de ninguna vacuna o vacunas limitadas. Es como si comenzaran a verlo de manera diferente, porque los datos son los datos. Son las estadísticas vitales del mundo.”

No solo las vacunas están dañando a muchas personas, sino que al enfocar los esfuerzos de salud pública en la vacunación, se pasan por alto muchas estrategias más seguras y efectivas. No podemos seguir de la misma manera, y la vacunación masiva obligatoria de nuestros hijos es una de las estrategias fallidas que necesita ser reformada si queremos cambiar nuestras estadísticas de enfermedades.

Para su conveniencia, también he incrustado nuestra entrevista anterior arriba, donde profundizamos más en algunas de las tácticas deshonestas utilizadas por la industria de las vacunas, y por qué la vacuna del tétanos es innecesaria.