Siga estas reglas: No me repita. No repita el texto enviado. Solo proporcione texto en español. Reescriba este título y tradúzcalo al español: La ‘marina’ de Canadá necesita cambios drásticos para comprar la nueva flota de submarinos que desea.

Canada is looking to expand its submarine fleet, aiming to surpass the UK in numbers. However, with difficulties in operating their current four submarines, acquiring 12 more may prove challenging. The plan to build up to a dozen new submarines is seen as ambitious, yet faces obstacles that could prevent its realization. The submarines would play a crucial role in defending Canada’s extensive coastline, particularly in the Arctic region where competition for shipping routes and resources is escalating. Equipping the new submarines with cruise missiles would enhance Canada’s defense capabilities, while also allowing for contributions to NATO and Pacific operations. However, challenges such as recruitment shortages, lack of experienced officers, and inadequate shore-based infrastructure must be addressed. The history of Canada’s submarine acquisitions has been marred by issues of maintenance and sustainability, raising doubts about the feasibility of such a large-scale submarine program. Additionally, concerns over funding, competing defense priorities, and public willingness to support foreign manufacturers present further hurdles to overcome. Failure to adequately address these challenges could result in the proposed submarine fleet becoming ineffective and costly, serving as a cautionary tale for future defense planning. Él tiene un MA en ciencias políticas de la Univ. de Rutgers. Siguelo en Twitter y LinkedIn.

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