Siga estas reglas: No me repita. No repita el texto enviado. Solo proporcione texto en español. Reescriba este título y tradúzcalo al español: Cómo los OMG, los pesticidas y los alimentos procesados contribuyen a los trastornos comunes del intestino.

Editor’s Note: This article is a reprint. It was originally published on November 23, 2016.

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is an autoimmune disease with serious consequences, distinct from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which is a functional bowel disorder. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that over 3.1 million American adults are affected by IBD, with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis being the two types.

Both conditions involve chronic inflammation in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, leading to symptoms such as abdominal cramps, fatigue, and diarrhea. IBD also increases the risk of developing colorectal cancer, the fourth most common cancer in the U.S.

Various factors, including genetics, toxic environmental exposures, diet, altered intestinal microbiome, and immune dysfunction, contribute to the development of IBD. Dietary changes, particularly the consumption of processed foods high in sugars and synthetic chemicals, are believed to be linked to the rise in IBD cases.

Glyphosate, found in products like Roundup, has been associated with negative health impacts. Independent research suggests that glyphosate residues can enhance the effects of other toxins in the environment, leading to inflammation and disease. Samsel and Seneff’s research has connected glyphosate exposure to conditions like Celiac disease and gluten intolerance.

Glyphosate has been found in high levels in popular processed foods, affecting gene function in animals. The presence of glyphosate in foods like Cheerios, Doritos, and Ritz crackers raises concerns about the impact on human health.

GMOs, responsible for the rise in IBS cases, contain Bt toxin, an insecticide that can contribute to digestive issues. Avoiding GMOs and pesticides is essential in managing chronic digestive problems.

Bt plants, a type of GE crop, produce Bt toxin internally and are registered as pesticides by the EPA. The use of Bt crops raises concerns about the potential health risks associated with consuming these genetically modified foods. This has led to the incorrect assertion that Bt plants have decreased pesticide usage.

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The Bt toxin produced within Bt crops is not accounted for in pesticide data collection. Therefore, claiming that Bt crops promote less chemical-intensive agriculture is a severe misrepresentation of the truth.

Despite every cell of the Bt plant containing this insecticide, none of it is included in the count. The failure to include the toxin within the plant, and only focusing on topically applied pesticides, creates a significant loophole that falsely presents Bt plants as providing a benefit that is not accurate.

Furthermore, while topically applied Bt toxin can degrade and be washed off, the Bt toxin within these genetically engineered plants does not degrade and cannot be removed from the food because it is integrated into every cell of the plant. The plant-produced version of the toxin is also much more concentrated than the spray, leading to a significant increase in Bt pesticide exposure, regardless of what the pesticide usage data indicates.

Bt Toxin Is Not Subject to Toxicity Regulations

Bt toxin present in Bt soybeans is exempt from residue tolerance level requirements, both in the commodity and the final food product. This exemption, finalized in February 2014, is concerning considering the potential risks involved.

Initially, Bayer and the EPA claimed that the Bt toxin produced within the plant would be broken down in the human digestive system, posing no health risk. However, in 2011, Bt toxin was found in the blood of 93% of tested pregnant women, 80% of their babies’ umbilical blood, and 67% of non-pregnant women at Sherbrooke University Hospital in Quebec. This study revealed that Bt toxin accumulates in the body and may lead to various immune responses, including those associated with allergies and inflammation.

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IBD Rates Have Increased Since Bt Crops Were Introduced

Research has shown that Bt toxin causes cell death at 100 parts per million and may be linked to gastrointestinal disorders like IBD and IBS. The rise in these disorders coincides with the introduction of Bt crops in the late 1990s.

Choose Organic Foods for Better Health

Studies have indicated that organic foods are less likely to contain pesticide residues, heavy metals, and may have higher antioxidant levels compared to conventionally grown counterparts. Opting for organic food can reduce exposure to potentially harmful substances found in GMOs and processed foods. El Departamento de Agricultura (USDA), encontró que las fresas orgánicas eran más ricas en nutrientes que las fresas no orgánicas.

Si vives en los Estados Unidos, las siguientes organizaciones te ayudarán a localizar alimentos frescos de granja: – proporciona listas de agricultores conocidos por producir productos lácteos crudos saludables, así como carne de res alimentada con pasto y otros productos frescos de granja (aunque no todos están certificados como orgánicos). Aquí también encontrarás información sobre mercados de agricultores locales, así como tiendas y restaurantes locales que venden productos de res alimentada con pasto.

Fundación Weston A. Price – La Fundación Weston A. Price tiene capítulos locales en la mayoría de los estados, y muchos de ellos están conectados con clubes de compra que te ayudarán a comprar fácilmente alimentos orgánicos, incluidos productos lácteos crudos como leche y mantequilla.

Intercambio de Carne de Pasto – El Intercambio de Carne de Pasto tiene una lista de productores que venden carnes orgánicas y alimentadas con pasto en los Estados Unidos.

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Cosecha Local – Este sitio web te ayudará a encontrar mercados de agricultores, granjas familiares y otras fuentes de alimentos cultivados de manera sostenible en tu área, así como otros productos, carnes de res alimentadas con pasto y muchas otras delicias.

Mercados de Agricultores – Un listado nacional de mercados de agricultores.

Guía Eat Well: Alimentos saludables de animales sanos – La Guía Eat Well es un directorio en línea gratuito de carne, aves de corral, productos lácteos y huevos criados de manera sostenible de granjas, tiendas, restaurantes, posadas, hoteles y sitios web en Estados Unidos y Canadá.

Comunidad Involucrada en la Agricultura Sostenible (CISA) – CISA está dedicada a sostener la agricultura y promover los productos de pequeñas granjas.

El Instituto Cornucopia – El Instituto Cornucopia mantiene herramientas en línea que clasifican todas las marcas orgánicas certificadas de huevos, productos lácteos y otros productos, basados en sus fuentes éticas y prácticas agrícolas auténticas que separan la producción “orgánica” de CAFO de las prácticas orgánicas auténticas. – Si aún no estás seguro de dónde encontrar leche cruda, visita y Te dirán cuál es la situación legal en tu estado y te proporcionarán un listado de granjas de lácteos crudos en tu área.

La Fundación Legal de Defensa del Consumidor de la Granja también proporciona una revisión estado por estado de las leyes de leche cruda. Los residentes de California encontrarán minoristas de leche cruda utilizando el localizador de tiendas disponible en Raw Farm.

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