Residentes de Jabalia describen destrucción “horrorosa”

Residents of Jabalia refugee camp who have returned since the Israeli withdrawal are reporting widespread destruction of homes and infrastructure. Many expressed shock at the level of devastation following a three-week Israeli military operation against Hamas and other armed groups in the area. Witnesses described horrifying scenes, with streets filled with rubble and demolished buildings. Basic services like electricity, water, clinics, and shops are unavailable, leading to a shortage of essential goods like food and medicine.

The UN agency for Palestinian refugees also received reports of horrific conditions in the camp, including the destruction of homes, markets, and infrastructure. Displaced families have been seen returning to the camp, carrying what little belongings they have left. Rescue teams have discovered dozens of bodies, including members of one family, amid the rubble. The camp’s hospitals and other key facilities have also been destroyed.

Despite the devastation, residents like Diab Abu Salama and Musaed Zaqzouq are determined to remain steadfast in the face of the occupation. They described the unprecedented destruction in the camp, with homes, stores, and neighborhoods completely destroyed. They called on the international community to take action to assist Palestinians in rebuilding their lives in Jabalia and other parts of Gaza.

AFP “Por favor, apúrate y ven a vernos para ver cuánto estamos atormentados.”

Israel lanzó una campaña militar en Gaza para destruir a Hamas en respuesta al ataque transfronterizo del grupo en el sur de Israel el 7 de octubre, durante el cual aproximadamente 1,200 personas fueron asesinadas y 251 otras fueron tomadas como rehenes.

Al menos 36,470 personas han sido asesinadas en Gaza desde entonces, según el ministerio de salud dirigido por Hamas.

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