¿Puede el ruido rosa ayudarte a dormir?

Editor’s Note: This article is a reprint originally published on March 23, 2017.

Noise comes in many colors, from familiar white noise to higher-pitched blue noise and the gentle sound of pink noise. Pink noise, which is similar to the sound of rushing water or wind through leaves, contains frequencies from 20 to 20,000 hertz, with lower frequencies being more powerful than higher frequencies. Pink noise has been found to have potential benefits for sleep and overall human health, including brain health.

Research has shown that listening to pink noise can improve sleep and memory in older adults. A study published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience found that listening to pink noise during sleep enhanced slow wave sleep and led to better memory test scores the following morning. Pink noise may need to be administered at appropriate times to have the most significant memory benefits.

Studies have also shown that pink noise can help regulate brain waves, improve sleep quality, and lead to more restful sleep in adults. Sleep duration has been linked to weight, with both too little and too much sleep associated with higher body weight. Lack of sleep can also increase hunger and appetite, leading to overeating and weight gain.

Additionally, research suggests that night owls may tend to make less healthy food choices compared to morning people, possibly due to living against their natural biological time. Late-night snacking and poor food choices before bedtime can contribute to weight gain. It is important to maintain healthy sleep habits and food choices to support overall health and weight management. “Evening individuals consumed significantly higher amounts of sugar and fats, had more irregular meal times, and ate meals and snacks twice as frequently compared to morning individuals.”

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According to the study’s lead author Mirkka Maukonen from the Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare, the structure of society tends to favor morning types. Being aware of your own chronotype, or natural sleep and wake preferences, may encourage making healthier lifestyle choices.

Sleeping more than nine hours a night has been linked to a higher risk of dementia, smaller brain volume, and poorer executive function. Both too much and too little sleep can have negative effects on brain health.

There is a strong link between sleep and mental health, with sleep disruptions often occurring before episodes of mental illness. Addressing sleep problems may help support mental health and prevent the onset of certain mental illnesses.

Daylight Saving Time can disrupt your body’s circadian rhythm and has been associated with decreased productivity, increased cyberloafing, and negative effects on heart health. Taking steps to improve your sleep quality, such as adding soothing noise to your bedroom and avoiding blue light exposure before bed, is crucial for overall health and well-being. Diez a 15 minutos de luz solar por la mañana enviará un mensaje fuerte a tu reloj interno de que ha llegado el día, lo que hará menos probable que se confunda con señales de luz más débiles durante la noche.

Dormir en completa oscuridad, o lo más cerca posible de ella — Incluso el más mínimo brillo de tu radio reloj podría interferir con tu sueño, así que cubre tu radio reloj por la noche o deshazte de él por completo. Aleja todos los dispositivos eléctricos al menos 3 pies de tu cama. Puedes querer cubrir tus ventanas con cortinas o persianas opacas, o usar una máscara para los ojos cuando duermes.

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Instala una bombilla de luz amarilla, naranja o roja de baja potencia si necesitas una fuente de luz para la navegación por la noche — La luz en estas bandas no detiene la producción de melatonina de la manera en que lo hace la luz blanca y azul. Las lámparas de sal son útiles para este propósito, al igual que las velas naturales y no tóxicas.

Mantén la temperatura en tu habitación no más alta de 70 grados F — Muchas personas mantienen sus hogares demasiado calientes (especialmente sus habitaciones de arriba). Los estudios muestran que la temperatura óptima de la habitación para dormir está entre 60 y 68 grados F.