Madre afirma que su hija casi muere de e.coli en unas vacaciones en Egipto.

Ruby Crossley and her daughter Paisley Crossley, along with 22 other family members, traveled to Sharm el Sheikh in Egypt for a week of sunshine on September 3rd.

During their vacation, after dining at a popular restaurant in the area, Ruby noticed her three-year-old daughter becoming lethargic. Two days later, Paisley fell ill with symptoms of sickness and diarrhea.

Initially, Ruby thought Paisley had severe sunstroke and allowed her to rest at the hotel. However, 14 other members of the group also experienced similar symptoms, with one almost needing hospitalization.

Paisley was eventually taken to Telford Royal Hospital’s A&E department when her symptoms worsened after returning to England. Initially misdiagnosed with a viral infection, it was later discovered that she had contracted E.coli, leading to kidney failure.

E.coli is typically spread through contaminated food or water and can cause severe gastrointestinal symptoms. In some cases, like Paisley’s, it can lead to a serious condition known as haemolytic uraemic syndrome, especially in young children.

Ruby described the ordeal as the worst experience of her life and expressed fear of traveling abroad or eating out due to the invisible threat of E.coli.

Paisley spent 10 days in the hospital before being discharged and is now recovering at home, requiring regular blood tests to monitor her kidney function.

Ruby emphasized that Paisley’s kidney damage is permanent and that she may need lifelong monitoring and care as a result of contracting E.coli in Egypt.

The UK Health Security Agency confirmed the case and stated that they had been informed by the hospital about the E.coli infection. La familia recibió consejos sobre la higiene para prevenir la propagación de la infección, incluyendo la importancia de lavarse las manos de manera efectiva con jabón y agua tibia antes de comer/preparar alimentos y después de ir al baño, lavar la ropa o la ropa de cama sucias a 60oC, y limpiar cualquier superficie y área donde haya ocurrido un brote de enfermedad con un producto a base de lejía.

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También se dio consejos de exclusión, explicando que cualquier persona con síntomas no debería regresar a la guardería/escuela/trabajo hasta 48 horas después de que desaparezcan los síntomas.

Se intentó contactar repetidamente al restaurante para obtener comentarios pero no respondieron.