Written by Dr. Mercola
It is estimated that half of all men and one-third of all women will face cancer at some point in their lives. However, there are ways to reduce this risk significantly, as outlined in Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy’s book, “The Cancer Revolution: A Groundbreaking Program to Reverse and Prevent Cancer.” Connealy’s interest in cancer prevention and treatment stemmed from her own personal health journey.
She shared, “When my mother was pregnant with me, she was prescribed a drug called DES (diethylstilbestrol) to prevent miscarriage. Approximately 16 years later, my parents were informed that this drug could lead to cancer, hormone issues, and anatomical problems. At 16, I began undergoing medical procedures like pap smears, colposcopies, and biopsies. I have faced many complications and continue to do so. My mission is to prevent cancer, given my high risk. Fortunately, I have met practitioners who have overcome cancer themselves and are now masters of healing.”
Key Strategies for Fighting Cancer: Diet and Detoxification
One of the fundamental aspects of cancer prevention and treatment is optimizing the body’s ability to burn fat as its primary fuel through a ketogenic diet and fasting. Detoxification is also crucial. Connealy emphasizes the need for regular detoxification due to the high levels of toxins we encounter daily, many of which can lead to cancer.
She explains, “Water, air, and soil are contaminated. In today’s world, detoxification should be a top priority. There are many ways to detoxify at home, including heavy metal and toxic load testing. Phthalates and heavy metals like mercury, lead, and arsenic are common toxins we need to address. Water pollution is another concern, as even prescription medication can end up in our water supply.”
Simple Detox Methods
When it comes to detoxification, filtering shower water may be more important than drinking water filtration. One effective approach to eliminating toxins is using a low EMF, far-infrared sauna with near-infrared light, as the skin is a major elimination organ. Connealy has been using a sauna in her office for nearly 18 years and believes it is a valuable investment.
Other detox strategies recommended by Connealy include ozone therapy in the sauna, organic coffee enemas, baths with Epsom salt, baking soda, and clay, along with zeolite supplementation, green juice consumption, and vitamin C intake.
Cancer Screening Considerations
While early cancer detection is crucial, some screening tests can do more harm than good. Connealy discusses the pros and cons of common cancer screenings like Pap smears, mammograms, and colonoscopies. She prefers ultrasound and thermography over mammograms for breast cancer detection, as she finds thermography to be more effective in her practice.
For men, she warns against the PSA test, which can be inaccurate and potentially harmful. Connealy emphasizes taking a comprehensive approach to cancer screening, considering the individual’s unique circumstances and needs.
Using Blood Tests to Determine Cancer Risk
Instead of relying on traditional cancer screenings, Connealy utilizes standard blood tests to identify inflammation and insulin resistance, both of which are indicators of various diseases, including cancer. One important test she uses is the high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (CRP) test, which detects inflammation in the body. While it doesn’t pinpoint the location of cancer, it indicates that something may be developing. Connealy aims for a CRP level of less than 1.
Another crucial blood test she conducts is the hemoglobin A1C test, which reflects blood sugar levels over the past three months. Elevated blood sugar creates an environment that is conducive to cancer growth. In addition to these tests, Connealy also includes:
• A cancer profile test (fasting blood and urine) from American Metabolic Laboratories, which assesses:
✓ Quantitative human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
✓ Phosphohexose isomerase (PHI), an enzyme related to low oxygen levels that promote cancer growth
✓ Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA), a stress hormone
✓ Thyroid hormones, as low levels may increase cancer risk
✓ Gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT), a liver marker and inflammation indicator
✓ Arachidonyl-2-chloroethylamide (ACEA), a general cancer marker
• ONCOblot, which can detect up to 33 types of cancer with 95 percent accuracy, by measuring the ENOX2 protein
• Circulating tumor cell test by the Research Genetic Cancer Center (RGCC), which evaluates the presence of cancer stem cells that contribute to metastasis. This test is used post-cancer treatment to determine the need for ongoing treatment.
Importance of Cancer Prevention
Connealy focuses on identifying imbalances in patients’ health, including nutritional deficiencies, toxins, and hormonal issues, to address cancer prevention. She emphasizes the significance of laboratory testing to pinpoint specific health issues, which are often covered by insurance. Connealy also recommends nutritional supplements to enhance mitochondrial function and target cancer stem cells.
Vitamin C, known for its role in enhancing cancer treatment effectiveness, can be combined with nutritional ketosis and fasting for optimal results. In certain cases, vitamin K3 is added to the treatment protocol. Connealy also utilizes supportive oligonucleotide technique (SOT) therapy to target circulating tumor cells and disrupt their DNA.
Alternative Cancer Treatments
Contrary to traditional methods like surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, Connealy explores alternative treatments such as cryotherapy, insulin potentiation therapy (IPT) chemo, and hyperthermic therapy. Cryotherapy involves freezing cancer cells, while IPT chemo uses low-dose chemotherapy in conjunction with insulin. These alternative therapies aim to reduce tumor burden and improve patient outcomes.
Me dirá los agentes ideales para estos pacientes en particular. Haremos un cóctel. Damos insulina. Baja el azúcar en la sangre a un momento terapéutico. Damos los medicamentos de quimioterapia … y luego dejamos caer una bolsa de azúcar. También conseguí una máquina de Francia llamada iTherm. He estado usando la máquina iTherm en algunos cánceres. Cuando obtienes tu prueba RGCC, me dice si tus células responden a la proteína de choque térmico. Me dirá las tres proteínas diferentes y la sensibilidad. Ciertos cánceres, como el cáncer de mama, son muy fáciles de tratar con la máquina de hipertermia. Nos capacitamos con el médico en Francia que solo permite tratamientos integrativos si tienes cáncer en etapa 3 o 4. Pasó mucho tiempo con nosotros en llamadas de conferencia, elaborándonos sobre este protocolo de tratamiento en particular. Combinaré eso con el muérdago, una sustancia natural inmuno-moduladora. Combinamos todas esas cosas juntas. Porque lo primero que tenemos que hacer si tenemos una gran carga tumoral es … reducirla a un problema manejable. Luego, si es fácilmente accesible con un procedimiento criogénico o quirúrgico, lo haremos. He tenido casos en los que un tumor de mama de 9 centímetros con quimioterapia de baja dosis y muérdago hipodérmico desaparece por completo en un mes.