La BBC investiga las acusaciones de una masacre.

Orla Guerin reporting from Goma for BBC News shares the tragic story of rapper Freddy Mukuza, who was shot and killed while moving house in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Freddy’s final moments were witnessed by a friend, who was unable to help as M23 rebels prevented them from approaching. The rebels had targeted Freddy’s neighborhood, resulting in the deaths of several people. Despite the lack of official response or investigation, locals believe the M23 is responsible for the violence in the area. Freddy, a civilian and father of two, was known for his activism and music that highlighted the challenges faced by the people of DR Congo. His friend Justin, who witnessed the tragic events, now lives in fear and silence, hoping to shed light on the atrocities committed by the M23. Despite the fear and silence that now shroud Kasika, Justin speaks out to ensure that Freddy Mukuza’s story is not forgotten. It is not clear if any of the deceased individuals were soldiers. None of them are wearing uniforms and there are no weapons in sight. In the background, screams and shouts can be heard, with one woman repeatedly saying, “There are 10 of them,” as she moves from one body to another. She expresses fear that they will kill everyone and points out a young man she recognizes as a house builder named Junior.

The video of the incident had a strong impact, even in the violent context of DR Congo. Sources have confirmed its authenticity and identified the location as Kasika. One source visited the site after the bodies were removed and recognized a person seen crying in the video from the neighborhood.

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Two sources mentioned that the youngest victim in Kasika was a boy aged 13-14, who was killed while hiding with his sisters in their home. Another victim was a young woman who was selling milk on the streets. Additionally, a young man in his twenties who was a street vendor was also among the casualties.

The violence was indiscriminate, with rebels targeting anyone present without any inquiry. Families of the victims have held quick burials without traditional mourning ceremonies. The rebels are instilling fear and silence in the community, with residents living in terror following the capture of Goma by the M23.

Despite the rebels’ claims of being revolutionaries fighting a failed state and protecting minority Tutsis, human rights groups have documented numerous abuses by the armed group, including shelling civilians, sexual violence, and summary executions. In a recent BBC interview, rebel leader Corneille Nangaa was questioned about these allegations. Orla Guerin lidera una coalición de partidos políticos y milicias, llamada la Alianza del Río Congo, que incluye al M23.

“No vi los informes”, dijo. “No puedo responder por el informe que no leí”. También dijo que no estaba preocupado por las acusaciones.

Al preguntarle por qué no había leído los informes, dijo: “Dame uno, lo estaré leyendo”.

Nangaa, ex jefe de la comisión electoral de la República Democrática del Congo, alterna entre uniformes de combate y trajes elegantes.

Se le presenta como el rostro desarmado e inofensivo de los rebeldes, pero el gobierno congoleño ofrece una recompensa de $5 millones (£4 millones) por información que conduzca a su arresto.

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Los rebeldes no son los únicos con un historial de brutalidad. Lo mismo se aplica al ejército congoleño y a muchos de los otros grupos armados en el este de la República Democrática del Congo.

Pero el M23 es ahora la única autoridad en partes del este, y millones de congoleños están a su merced.

Mientras hablábamos con un residente de Kasika, su esposa lo llamó, pidiéndole que viniera rápidamente a recoger a su hijo de ocho años del colegio.

El pánico se estaba extendiendo debido a informes de que el M23 estaba sacando a los niños de las aulas.

Logró llevar a su hijo a casa sano y salvo, pero teme por el futuro.

“Estamos todos traumatizados. Dijeron que vinieron a liberarnos”, dijo. “Pero ahora es como si nos tuvieran como rehenes.”

Reporte adicional de Wietske Burema de la BBC.

Más sobre el conflicto en la República Democrática del Congo:

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