That process of tapping into those raw, unfiltered emotions really comes through in your vocal delivery on the album. How did you approach pushing yourself vocally on this record?
I’ve always been a big fan of pushing myself. I think I’ve always wanted to be a bit different and a bit unique. So even with my voice, I always wanted it to be out there. I wanted it to be like, “I want to be able to do this.” And I think with this album, I kind of had to remind myself that I can do it. I can go high and I can go low. I can go soft, and I can go really hard. And I think that’s what I wanted to show in this album – that I’m not just a one-trick pony with my voice. I think it really shows what I can do and what I’m capable of.
What was the most challenging song vocally for you?
I think ‘A Comforting Notion’ was the most challenging because it’s not just my voice that had to be right, it was also the story, and the way it had to be told. And I had to make sure that it was perfect and that it was right for the album because it was the title track. So I spent a lot of time on that one, making sure that it was perfect. And I’m really glad with how it turned out.
Looking back at the journey to creating Glutton for Punishment, what’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned about yourself as an artist?
I think the biggest lesson I’ve learned is that I can do it. I can actually do it. I think I’ve always doubted myself, and I’ve always thought, “Can I really do this? Can I really make an album? Can I really write songs?” And I think this album has shown me that I can. And I think that’s the biggest lesson I’ve learned – that I’m capable of so much more than I thought I was. And I think that’s really empowering for me as an artist.
What’s next for Heartworms after the release of Glutton for Punishment?
Well, I’m already working on new music. I’m always working on new music. I think that’s just the kind of person I am – I always want to keep creating and keep pushing myself. So there will definitely be more music coming soon. And hopefully, I’ll be able to get out on the road and play some shows and connect with fans in person. That’s really what I’m looking forward to next.
Follow Heartworms on Instagram and Bandcamp to stay updated on her latest releases and tour dates.
And then the ending – it was like, “How do I finish this?” And I remember thinking, “I have to scream.” It had to be this emotional release. It had to be this kind of like, “I can’t hold it in anymore.” And the scream was actually quite funny when I did it. I was in the studio, and my producer was like, “Okay, just try it.” And I was like, “Oh God, I don’t know if I can do it.” And then I just did it, and it felt so good. It felt like releasing something that I had been holding in for so long. And then we added the harmonies in, and it just became this really powerful moment. And I was like, “This is it. This is the end. This is the release.”
And I think that’s what the album is for me – it’s a release. It’s a release of all these emotions and feelings that I’ve been holding onto for so long. And now, they’re out there in the world, and people can listen to them and hopefully connect with them in some way. It’s like letting go of a weight that I’ve been carrying around for so long. And now, I feel lighter, freer, and more myself than I have in a long time.
That’s beautiful. It’s clear that this album was a labor of love and a deeply personal journey for you. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences with us.
Thank you for taking the time to listen and understand. It means a lot to me. I hope that my music can touch others in the same way it has touched me. That’s all I can ask for as an artist – to create something that resonates with people on a deep level. Thank you.
That’s when I started writing my own songs. My first song was called “Eyes Wide Shut.” I remember it vividly – it was about a guy I liked who was seeing someone else. It was very melodramatic, but it was my first attempt at expressing my own emotions through music. From there, I just kept writing and experimenting with different sounds and styles. It was a way for me to process everything I was feeling and experiencing at the time. It was my therapy, in a way. And it’s still a huge part of who I am today. I loved the movement and the freedom it gave me. So when I started making music, I wanted to capture that feeling of freedom and release. I wanted my music to make people want to move and let go of their inhibitions.
With Glutton for Punishment, I wanted to create a sense of urgency and intensity that would make people want to dance. The title itself suggests a sense of indulgence in something that may not be good for you, but you can’t help but give in to it. The music reflects that feeling of being pulled into something irresistible, even if it may not be the best choice.
I think the danceability of the album ties into the overall theme of self-expression and freedom. When you dance, you let go of your inhibitions and just move to the music. It’s a way of expressing yourself without words, and I wanted that energy to come through in the music.
Ultimately, I want my music to be a cathartic experience for listeners. I want them to feel the same sense of release and freedom that I feel when I dance. And if they can dance to my music and let go of their worries for even just a moment, then I feel like I’ve done my job as an artist.
Me encantaría estar saltando arriba y abajo, agitando mis brazos en el aire. Y luego tener relaciones con personas tan aburridas como un ladrillo que no querrían bailar conmigo. Yo decía, “¡Vamos a bailar, realmente quiero!” Lo ansiaba, y ellos decían, “No, no tengo ganas de bailar.” Hay algo de soledad en eso, pero también una sensación acariciadora de la acción de bailar, abrazándome. Cuando eso se refleja en mi álbum, es algo que amo decir y hacer en el escenario. Es una forma de autoexpresión para una persona que probablemente no puede expresar cómo se siente verbalmente, pero puede hacerlo a través del movimiento. Puede realzar una palabra que estás diciendo. Me encanta usar el lenguaje de señas en el escenario, aunque no conozco a nadie con quien pueda comunicarme a través del lenguaje de señas, pero me encanta la idea, porque las personas en la parte trasera a veces pueden no escuchar tan bien, pero quieren verte. El lenguaje de señas es también una forma de baile para mí. Y el final – “Todo lo que quiero hacer es bailar, bailar, bailar” – es solo un anhelo. Eso es básicamente todo lo que sucede cuando se trata de actuar. Solo estoy haciendo eso, y es todo lo que quiero hacer. Creo que es una forma hermosa de terminar, con una coma, y volver al principio.
La música puede ser algo solitario, incluso para ti, estas canciones han existido solo en tu cabeza o en el estudio por mucho tiempo. Dar a las personas la libertad de reaccionar físicamente también es quitar algo de esa soledad.
Es un espacio donde quiero que las personas sientan que pueden empujarse un poco. Siento que a veces bailar en realidad elimina el estrés. Estaba tan estresado hace unos días y encendí el altavoz, me volví hacia Tom, mi pareja. Le dije, “¡Voy a poner un poco de dubstep!” [risas] Estábamos escuchando, no sé, Flux Pavilion y todos los antiguos artistas de dubstep a los que solía escuchar, y simplemente sacudiendo cada parte de tu cuerpo. Y me sentí tan feliz después. ¡Pensé que esta es la respuesta! Y a veces lo olvidamos, ¿sabes? A veces olvidamos que nos estamos esforzando al quedarnos quietos, o nuestra postura – hay músculos que estamos tensionando y no nos damos cuenta por lo estresados que estamos. Pero cuando bailas, los dejas ir.
¿Hay algo más que te gustaría compartir o comentar?
Tengo un comentario en el que puse comillas: “No hay manera de complacer a los adultos que creen saberlo todo. Pero los jóvenes no dejarán de mostrar aprecio.” Eso es de Fausto. Me encanta esa cita porque si eres un adulto y piensas que lo sabes todo, y no hay más para que aprendas, no apreciarás tanto como lo haría una mente joven, una mente que es una esponja. La gente piensa que tu mente deja de absorber cosas porque has alcanzado cierta edad. No, eso simplemente significa que eres consciente de eso. A veces, cuando estás demasiado consciente de pensar que eres un adulto, no vas a apreciar las pequeñas cosas que te rodean y la belleza y el dolor con los que debes llegar a un acuerdo.
Glutton for Punishment de Heartworms ya está disponible a través de Speedy Wunderground.
Esta entrevista ha sido editada y condensada para mayor claridad y longitud.