El humor ofensivo de Deadpool sobre la homosexualidad es un cansino insulto de patio de escuela | Deadpool y Wolverine

It’s disappointing to see Deadpool’s pansexuality reduced to a punchline once again in Deadpool & Wolverine. The film’s marketing plays up the potential for a romantic relationship between the two characters, but the actual movie shies away from exploring this aspect of Deadpool’s identity. The queerbaiting tactics used in the promotion only serve to further marginalize queer audiences who are looking for authentic representation in mainstream superhero films.

While it’s clear that Deadpool’s pansexuality is acknowledged in the film, it’s treated as a joke rather than a meaningful part of his character. The reluctance to fully embrace this aspect of Deadpool’s identity is a missed opportunity for the film to move beyond surface-level representation and truly engage with the complexities of sexuality. It’s a reminder that even in a post-Disney acquisition world, mainstream superhero films still have a long way to go in terms of LGBTQ+ representation.

Eso, o simplemente dejar que se acueste con Wolverine.

Este artículo fue modificado el 26 de julio de 2024 porque una versión anterior afirmaba incorrectamente que Josh Brolin interpretó a Coloso.

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