¿El autor indio ganador del Premio Booker enfrentará la cárcel por un comentario de 14 años?

Is one of India’s most celebrated writers really going to be prosecuted for comments she made over a decade ago? Last week, 14 years after the initial complaint, Delhi’s highest official allowed for Arundhati Roy, a Booker Prize-winning author, to be prosecuted under India’s strict anti-terror laws. The Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) is known for making it difficult to obtain bail, often leading to years of detention until the end of the trial.

The Modi government has been criticized for using this law to silence critics, including activists, journalists, and members of civil society. Ms. Roy, a 62-year-old writer and activist known for her outspoken views, is facing charges for her remarks on Kashmir, a contentious issue in India.

Back in 2010, during a conference in Delhi, Ms. Roy stated that “Kashmir has never been an integral part of India.” These comments sparked controversy at a time when tensions were high in Indian-administered Kashmir. The backlash against her was intense, with some questioning her loyalty to India and the government threatening her with charges of sedition.

Despite the Supreme Court suspending the sedition law in May 2022, Ms. Roy is now facing charges under the UAPA, which allows the case to proceed without being limited by the statute of limitations. Many see this as a move by the government to silence dissent and critics of the Modi administration.

Supporters of Ms. Roy view her as a champion of liberal values and a voice for the marginalized, while critics find her writings to be exaggerated and simplistic. The decision to prosecute her after so many years has raised questions about the government’s motives and the impact on free speech in India. Un crítico escribió que a menudo en sus ensayos la Sra. Roy “nunca realmente se enfrenta a la evidencia”.

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Desde los comentarios de la Sra. Roy en 2010, han ocurrido cambios significativos.

En 2019, el gobierno del Sr. Modi revocó el estado semiautónomo de Cachemira, dividiendo la región y reduciendo su autonomía política bajo el control federal directo.

Muchos creen que la libertad de expresión también ha disminuido: desde 2014, India ha caído del puesto 150 al 161 en el ranking de libertad de prensa de Reporteros Sin Fronteras, de un total de 180 países.

La Sra. Roy ha declinado hacer comentarios sobre los últimos acontecimientos.

No está claro si la policía ha investigado las acusaciones o si tiene evidencia en su contra y de los demás acusados.

Dos personas nombradas en la denuncia original han fallecido. Pero una cosa es segura. Si una de las escritoras más aclamadas de la India enfrenta prisión bajo una ley antiterrorista draconiana, desencadenará condena y indignación a nivel mundial.