Antes del debate Harris-Trump, los votantes quieren más política, menos drama.

The most recent meeting of US presidential candidates was marked by heated exchanges and personal attacks that shook up the 2024 campaign. President Joe Biden’s poor performance led to his withdrawal from the race, paving the way for Kamala Harris to take his place as the Democratic nominee. She will now face off against former President Donald Trump in the upcoming debate on Tuesday, September 10th.

This debate is seen as an opportunity for both parties to reset and focus more on policy rather than personal attacks. The BBC interviewed voters from various political backgrounds to get their perspectives on the upcoming event. Here are the thoughts of seven individuals on what they hope to see unfold during the debate:

– A Republican voter from Utah, who previously supported Biden but now plans to vote for Trump, is interested in seeing how both candidates perform. He wants to see Harris speak more spontaneously and engage in quick interactions with Trump.
– A Colorado resident who voted for Biden in the last election is looking forward to seeing Harris debate Trump. He hopes she can maintain a positive message even in the face of Trump’s rapid-fire comments.
– An independent voter from Pennsylvania, who backed Biden in the past but is considering voting third-party this time, is skeptical about the debate’s value. She wants to hear realistic plans from the candidates rather than just loud rhetoric.
– A Republican supporter of Trump is eager to see the candidates discuss policy issues, particularly regarding the economy and immigration. He believes Trump excels in laying out his plans but acknowledges his demeanor as a weakness.
– Another Republican voter who backed Trump in 2020 is hopeful that the debate will be informative and entertaining. He is interested in hearing about the candidates’ economic plans and views on immigration.

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Overall, voters are looking for a substantive debate focused on policy issues rather than personal attacks. They are eager to hear the candidates’ plans for the future and hope for a constructive discussion that will help them make informed decisions at the polls. BBC

Sin embargo, lo triste, al menos para mí, es que votaría por cualquiera [sobre Trump]. Casi no me importa cuáles son tus posiciones políticas. Solo sé cuáles no son tus posiciones políticas y por lo tanto, estoy atrapado contigo pase lo que pase.

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