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Principales cambios de estilo de vida para mejorar el corazón.

Editor’s Note: This article is a reprint. It was originally published on December 4, 2022.

Dr. Dean Ornish, a clinical professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), is well-known for his groundbreaking work on using food and lifestyle changes to enhance health. His book, “Undo It! How Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Reverse Most Chronic Diseases,” delves into this topic.

Ornish argues that high-protein and high-fat diets contribute to the rise in chronic diseases and obesity in America. While we may have differing views on this issue, his major contribution lies in his lifestyle modification program that aims to reduce disease risk and is covered by insurance companies.

Most individuals cannot address the root cause of their disease in a short doctor’s visit. Ornish spent 16 years getting his lifestyle program approved by Medicare and insurance companies to provide access to tools that can change the underlying causes of disease.

Ornish’s research over the past four decades has shown that lifestyle changes can reverse conditions like Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and even coronary heart disease. His mantra of “Eat well, move more, stress less, and love more” encapsulates the essence of his approach.

Studies by Ornish have also revealed that these lifestyle changes can impact gene expression, potentially reversing diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. The program has shown promise in lengthening telomeres and even reversing aging at a cellular level.

Despite initial challenges with reimbursement, Ornish’s program has gained traction, especially after Medicare approved coverage in 2010. The program, known as “Dr. Ornish’s Program for Reversing Heart Disease,” is offered in multiple states and focuses on lifestyle modifications to address heart disease.

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With high adherence rates and positive clinical outcomes, the program has garnered support from major insurance companies, making it accessible to a broader population. Ornish’s vision of making this program available to all individuals has finally come to fruition.

According to Ornish, Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield’s costs were 50% lower than a matched control group, and Mutual of Omaha cut their cost by nearly $30,000 per patient in the first year of the program.

Motivation plays a key role in sustaining lifestyle changes, with Ornish emphasizing that the joy of living is a more powerful motivator than fear of dying. The program leverages this knowledge by focusing on the positive impact of lifestyle changes on people’s well-being.

Ornish stresses the importance of love and connection in promoting health, highlighting the detrimental effects of loneliness and isolation. He also discusses how harmful behaviors are often linked to emotional pain and how creating a supportive and loving environment can facilitate lasting change.

The program also incorporates meditation as a means of finding inner peace and clarity. Ornish encourages individuals to meditate and reflect on what they may be neglecting that could be beneficial for their well-being.

Overall, Ornish’s approach to health and wellness emphasizes the importance of love, connection, and self-awareness in making sustainable lifestyle changes. When you start meditating, your mind may wander to a thousand things you need to do or have forgotten. This is normal as everyone’s mind tends to wander. If you notice your thoughts drifting, simply bring your focus back to the sound. This will help your mind quiet down deeply.

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Consistency is key when it comes to meditation, more so than the duration. Even just a few minutes at the beginning or end of your day can have a significant impact. If you can meditate for longer periods, that’s even better.

In terms of intermittent fasting, Ornish suggests making breakfast and lunch your main meals, and having a smaller dinner or no dinner at all. This allows for fasting for at least 12 to 14 hours daily. This approach aligns with the benefits of a shortened eating window for activating autophagy and reducing chronic inflammation.

Ornish’s theory highlights that heart disease, diabetes, prostate cancer, and Alzheimer’s are not fundamentally different diseases but manifestations of the same biological mechanisms. These mechanisms are influenced by diet, stress response, exercise, and emotional support. By adopting healthy lifestyle practices, you can protect yourself against multiple chronic diseases simultaneously.

If you’re interested in Ornish’s program, you can find detailed information in his book “Undo It! How Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Reverse Most Chronic Diseases.” The program is also available at certified sites listed on, where you can attend support groups at no cost. Additionally, healthcare providers can become certified Ornish program providers to offer this comprehensive approach to their patients. Algunas de las otras empresas de seguros lo cubren no solo para enfermedades del corazón, sino también para la diabetes Tipo 2, o incluso dos o más factores de riesgo como la obesidad, el colesterol alto, la presión arterial alta y así sucesivamente. La mayoría de las personas con enfermedades del corazón estarán cubiertas si pueden ir a uno de nuestros programas.

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La capacitación, impartida en el Área de la Bahía, es una combinación de aprendizaje didáctico y experiencial donde pasas por el programa de principio a fin, tal como si fueras un paciente. Además de eso, asistes a conferencias de Ornish y otros para aprender las bases científicas de todas las modalidades, y cómo incorporar el conocimiento en tu vida diaria.

Se proporciona una formación continua tanto en el lugar como a través de tecnologías de video. Para mantener la calidad del programa, se requiere que los proveedores pasen por un proceso de reacreditación anual.

“La mayoría de las personas que lo hacen dicen, ‘Esto es lo que he estado esperando. Por eso entré en el cuidado de la salud’. Si solo somos una colección de algoritmos, vamos a ser reemplazados por inteligencia artificial y probablemente una aplicación de iPhone en poco tiempo … Para mí, al menos, es parte de nuestra conspiración de amor. Cuando pasas por este programa, realmente puedes experimentar la diferencia que puede hacer.

Tan a menudo pensamos que los avances en la medicina tienen que ser algo realmente de alta tecnología o costoso … Creo que nuestra contribución única ha sido utilizar estas medidas científicas muy avanzadas, costosas y de última generación para demostrar cuán poderoso puede ser este programa tan simple, de baja tecnología y bajo costo …

Incluso en tres días y medio, las personas a menudo encuentran que tienen experiencias transformadoras de vida, lo que las hace mucho más apasionadas, comprometidas y efectivas en la formación de sus pacientes con los que finalmente trabajarán.”

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