Porridge Radio en Cómo una colina, una boda, Led Zeppelin y más inspiraron su nuevo álbum

I think the misty mornings, the flooding river, and the unseen gnomes all tie into this idea of the unknown and the mysterious. They represent this liminal space that I was inhabiting while writing the album, a space between clarity and confusion, reality and fantasy. They help to trace the emotional journey of the album because they were all part of the landscape that inspired me during that time. They represent the uncertainty and the magic that I was grappling with, and how those elements played a role in shaping the songs on the record.

It was a really strange experience, but I think it added a lot to the recording process. It reminded me of what was important in life outside of the studio, and it gave me a different perspective on the songs we were recording. It made me appreciate the moments we were creating even more, knowing that life outside of the studio was still going on. And it made me realize that these songs were not just for us, but for everyone who listens to them, who experiences them in their own way. It was a grounding experience, and it helped me to see the bigger picture of what we were creating.

So, in a way, those moments outside of the studio – the wedding, the funeral – they were like little breaks that allowed me to step back and see the whole picture. And I think that added something special to the album, something that maybe wouldn’t have been there if we had just been locked in the studio the whole time. It gave the songs a depth and a richness that comes from living life outside of the music, from experiencing all the ups and downs that come with it. And I think that’s what makes this album so special to me – it’s not just about the music, but about everything that went into creating it, all the moments and experiences that shaped it along the way.

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I think it’s more about being true to the moment and the feelings that are coming up during the creation process. But I do think that sense of comfort or resolution you’re feeling is important. I want the music to feel like a journey, like you’re going through something and coming out the other side. I think that’s what makes music powerful – the ability to evoke emotions and take you on a journey. So if you’re feeling that sense of comfort or resolution, then I think I’ve done my job as a musician. It’s about creating that connection with the listener and making them feel something. Estoy muy contento de escuchar que hay un elemento reconfortante en las canciones para ti, definitivamente lo entiendo. Gran parte del álbum consiste en desenredar nudos muy difíciles y desentrañar experiencias realmente confusas y dolorosas, y al final, lo que tengo son simplemente muchos recuerdos de pasar tiempo con mis mejores amigos, haciendo música de la que estoy realmente orgulloso y que puedo seguir tocando y compartiendo con la gente. Hay una sensación de conexión y de ser visto y permitirme ser visto. Es la cosa más aterradora compartir estas partes feas de mí mismo que no quiero que la gente vea. Pero luego las comparto, y se siente como si hubiera algún tipo de alivio a través de esa conexión, y a través de esa transformación a medida que se comparten, como reflejos de algo realmente honesto y verdadero para mí.

Esta entrevista ha sido editada y condensada para mayor claridad y longitud.

Clouds in the Sky They Will Always Be There for Me de Porridge Radio ya está disponible a través de Secretly Canadian.

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Clouds In The Sky They Will Always Be There For Me by Porridge Radio

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