Sobre Cantidad de PFAS Tóxicos ‘Productos Químicos Eternos’ en Hilo Dental y Seda Dental – Informe

Is your preferred dental floss or tooth floss containing traces of PFAS “forever chemicals?” Mamavation conducted a test on 39 different tooth floss products at an EPA-certified lab to uncover the truth. The results revealed some surprising information about these oral-care products that you need to know right away.

You’ve come to rely on Mamavation for information on topics like the best air purifiers, best organic mattresses, and best green beauty makeup free of PFAS “forever chemicals.” Now, join us for our latest study on PFAS in tooth flosses sold in the US. Interested in the results? Scroll to the bottom for the raw data from our lab on dental floss products with no detectable levels of PFAS indicators.

This consumer study is a collaboration with Environmental Health News. It has been scientifically reviewed by experts such as Terrence Collins, Linda Birnbaum, and Pete Myers. Additionally, this post has been medically reviewed by Sondra Strand, RN, BSN, PHN. Donations from Environmental Health News and Mamavation community members supported this study.

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, some of which lead to Amazon. Mamavation will receive a portion of the sales to cover testing costs.

For those interested in contributing to our consumer studies, you can make a tax-deductible donation through Environmental Health Sciences and specify “Mamavation” as the recipient. Thank you! [Updated products added 8/2024]

Discovering High Levels of PFAS ‘Forever Chemicals’ in Popular Tooth Flosses

Which tooth floss brands are safe for everyday use in your family’s oral care routine? We tested numerous dental floss products and found concerning levels of PFAS “forever chemicals” in some products. Our recommendations will help you make informed choices for your dental health.

Our testing of 39 dental floss products at an EPA-certified lab unveiled the presence of PFAS “forever chemicals” in a significant number of popular products. We analyzed various types of dental floss and observed high levels of organic fluorine, a marker for PFAS, in these products.

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Our findings include:

  • 33% of dental floss products showed indications of PFAS “forever chemicals” in our lab tests.
  • Organic fluorine levels in the tested products ranged from 11 ppm to 248,900 ppm.
  • Oral-B Glide had the highest amount of organic fluorine at 248,900 ppm.
  • Four products contained over 70,000 ppm organic fluorine.
  • No children’s tooth floss products we tested showed any signs of PFAS “forever chemicals.”

Stay informed about the safety of dental floss products and make conscious choices for your oral care routine. [Updated products added 8/2024]

Revisiting the Issue of Oral-B Glide

A study published in 2019 linked the use of Oral-B Glide dental floss to higher levels of PFAS in women’s blood. Despite the American Dental Association’s defense of the product, concerns remain about the presence of PFAS “forever chemicals” in Oral-B Glide.

Our advisor, Terrence Collins, emphasized the importance of understanding the implications of finding organic fluorine in dental floss products. The debate surrounding PFAS in tooth floss products continues, urging consumers to stay informed and make informed choices for their health.

For instance, instead of debating about the specific PFAS compound present in Glide Oral-B floss, the focus should be on discontinuing the approval of any dental product containing any forever PFAS compound.

Additionally, efforts should be made to educate members about the harmful effects of low-dose exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals, with PFAS compounds commonly associated with the production of Teflon (PTFE) polymer.

Furthermore, it is essential to acknowledge that polymers have largely evaded regulatory scrutiny, leaving uncertainty regarding the potential low-dose toxicity of using forever polymer, Teflon, on our teeth.

The ADA, like all branches of science and medicine, must recognize the allure of high-performance chemicals like PFAS compounds and resist their use until their health, environmental, and ethical implications have been thoroughly evaluated and integrated into the decision-making process. From my perspective, all PFAS compounds would not withstand competent scrutiny in this regard.” contacted Oral-B Glide, and the company denied the study’s findings, stating that none of the substances mentioned are used in their dental floss. Mamavation also tested Oral-B Glide samples but remains unconvinced that changes have been made to ensure consumer safety.

PFAS chemicals, known as ‘forever chemicals,’ are widely used in various industries for their stain-resistant, water-resistant, and grease-proof properties. These chemicals can be found in textiles, food packaging, personal care products, toilet paper, cookware, carpeting, furniture, firefighting foam, and more.

Exposure to PFAS chemicals has been linked to several health issues, including immune system reduction, increased risk of allergies and asthma, metabolic diseases, cardiovascular disease, fertility issues, cancer risks, and endocrine disruption. The high levels of PFAS found in dental floss products are particularly concerning due to the potential ingestion of these harmful chemicals. The levels of PFAS found in some dental floss products are not safe for human consumption, as these chemicals are persistent and toxic. According to Linda Birnbaum, Scientist Emeritus and Former Director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and National Toxicology Program, the accumulation of PFAS in consumers from regular flossing can lead to chronic disease.

PFAS can be intentionally added to dental floss products for waterproofing or may be a contaminant from processing or the supply chain. Some brands, like Oral-B Glide, had very high levels of PFAS, indicating intentional addition for its slickness. Other brands had lower levels that may not have been intentionally added.

While the discovery of PFAS in dental floss may be alarming, it is important to continue flossing for good dental health. Consider using water flossers as an alternative to traditional floss, or choose dental floss brands that do not contain high levels of PFAS.

Children’s dental floss products did not show indications of PFAS, but they were made from single-use plastics. Teaching children to use regular dental floss is a more environmentally friendly option.

Mamavation conducted an investigation into dental floss products, testing for PFAS using marker testing for organic fluorine. Thirteen out of 39 tested brands showed detectable levels of organic fluorine, indicating the likely presence of PFAS. This marker testing method is also used in the food packaging industry to determine compostability. Below are the categories in which the dental floss products tested by our EPA-certified lab have been divided:

– Not our favorite tooth floss products: These products contain detections of organic fluorine, a chemical marker for PFAS “forever chemicals.” Some brands intentionally add high levels of organic fluorine, while others have unintentional contamination. Brands with significant amounts of organic fluorine are marked with **.

– Better tooth floss products: These brands did not have any detections of organic fluorine but are made with less sustainable materials like single-use plastic, which takes hundreds of years to decompose. The use of plastic in most floss products is harmful to the environment.

– Best tooth floss products: Our lab did not find any organic fluorine in these brands, which also use sustainable materials and high-quality ingredients. Some brands in this category are also free from single-use petroleum-based plastics.

Additionally, we have conducted various consumer studies on PFAS “forever chemicals” in everyday products, including dental floss, soft contact lenses, green beauty makeup, toilet paper, and more. To support our research, you can make a tax-deductible donation to Mamavation through Environmental Health News. Our investigations aim to provide information on PFAS exposure and contamination in common consumer goods. Mamavation produce contenido galardonado y estudios independientes de consumidores examinando la intersección de los productos químicos disruptores endocrinos (EDCs) y productos cotidianos llevados a los hogares estadounidenses. Ella ha sido referida por muchos como “la verdadera FAD”.

Desde 2008, Mamavation ha estado ayudando a las mamás de todos los días a navegar por el supermercado encargando estudios de consumidores sobre alimentos, bebidas, productos de cuidado personal y otros productos similares y así democratizando la ciencia y las pruebas para todos.

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