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Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on October 8, 2017 and is being reprinted.

You may already be familiar with the benefits of probiotics, but have you heard of sporebiotics? Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, an M.D. and Ph.D., discusses how sporebiotics can help with various health issues, including autism and neurological diseases. These probiotics are a great addition to your health regimen.

Spore-based probiotics are derived from the bacillus microbe, with bacillus subtilis being the most important subspecies. These probiotics consist of the cell wall of bacillus spores. They were first introduced in Germany in 1935 by Gunther Enderlein, a microbiologist.

The human body can produce its own vitamin C through specific gut microbes, such as bacillus. These microbes also play a role in producing vitamin K and amino acids. Spore-based probiotics can help boost immune tolerance and improve overall health.

These probiotics are particularly useful if you are on antibiotics, as they are not affected by them. Many people are overexposed to antibiotics through medicine and food, which can harm the gut microbiome. Spore probiotics can help restore the gut microbiome more effectively.

It is important to take probiotics after a meal to ensure they survive the passage through the stomach. This allows them to germinate and establish residency in the small intestine, where they can interact with other microbes.

Overall, spore-based probiotics are a valuable tool for improving immune tolerance and overall health. Incorporating them into your daily routine can have long-lasting benefits for your gut health and immune system. Other species must welcome and agree to a certain number of bacillus spores to establish themselves in a community. The spores, once germinated, become a part of the resident gut microbiome, contributing symbiotically to the gut. Bacillus spores are actively involved in creating healthy biofilm, essential for gut health. The blueprint left by resident microbes in healthy biofilm lines the entire gut, aiding in food breakdown, metabolism, and immune system communication.

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Bacillus spores help improve immune function by repairing damage to the intestinal barrier, increasing immune tolerance, and communicating with the immune system to enhance absorption of nutrients. These spores increase the production of IgA, a protective immune globulin, and boost innate immunity. They also help balance the immune system, reversing the Th2 shift that can lead to allergies and environmental intolerance.

Spore-based probiotics modulate cytokines, balancing anti-inflammatory and inflammatory responses to counteract environmental assaults like EMFs and contaminated food. Microbes communicate with each other and the immune system through electromagnetic signals, highlighting the importance of protecting the microbiome from harmful radiation.

Exposure to excessive microwave radiation can damage the microbiome, affecting overall health. Protecting microbes in the body is crucial, as they make up a significant portion of the DNA in the body and play a vital role in maintaining health. Klinghardt has made addressing EMF exposures a mandatory part of his clinical recommendations. In fact, he requires potential patients to remediate their EMF exposure before he will even consider treating them, often involving a consultation with a building biologist and the use of sophisticated meters to accurately measure magnetic, electrical, and radiofrequency exposures.

Klinghardt has also discovered the healing benefits of spore probiotics, which can completely restore intestinal mucosal barrier dysfunction over time. These spores not only enhance the reproduction of other beneficial microbes in the gut but also produce substances with strong antimicrobial properties. By feeding the right foods to our microbiome, we can turn potentially harmful pathogens into beneficial bugs.

In his clinical practice, Klinghardt has seen remarkable improvements in patients with conditions such as autism, chronic neurological diseases, and Lyme disease when using spore probiotics. These probiotics have been particularly effective in increasing food tolerance in autistic children and reducing food allergies in patients with chronic neurological conditions.

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Lyme disease, along with other chronic infections like bartonella and mycoplasma, are often overlooked as underlying causes of various symptoms. By broadening the definition of Lyme disease and addressing chronic infections, Klinghardt believes that a significant portion of the population can experience improvements in their health. Immune tolerance, influenced by factors like electromagnetic radiation and environmental toxins, plays a crucial role in controlling chronic infections and restoring immune balance. With the use of Mega Sporebiotic, immune tolerance can be increased, allowing the immune system to function properly and combat harmful microbes effectively. Cuando dejan de ser atacados, comienzan a comportarse de manera simbiótica …

El patógeno está tratando de ser aceptado en una comunidad mayor de otros microbios, y el Mega Esporbiótico ha sido el interruptor mágico en el sistema para hacer que las personas sean tolerantes … Honestamente, tener un probiótico ahora que realmente funciona elimina 50 otros productos que nuestros pobres pacientes tienen que tragar todos los días. “

Los Esporbióticos Pueden Ayudar a Aquellos que Tienen Electrosensibilidades

Otra categoría de pacientes que pueden beneficiarse de los esporbióticos son aquellos que luchan con electrosensibilidades. Una estimación conservadora es que el 3% de las personas, y tal vez hasta el 10% o 15%, son hipersensibles a los EMFs. Dicho esto, vale la pena señalar que varios estudios indican que cualquier persona expuesta a la radiación de los teléfonos celulares resulta dañada a nivel celular, ya sea que realmente lo sienta o no.

Aquellos que son hipersensibles, y sienten los efectos de manera bastante aguda, en realidad tienen la ventaja de una señal de advertencia temprana. Su malestar los impulsa o los obliga a implementar estrategias remedial para minimizar la exposición.

“Conozco a personas todos los días que están sufriendo esto, que ya no pueden existir en el entorno urbano actual o incluso en el campo, y necesitan buscar santuarios donde puedan existir”, dice Klinghardt.

“Descubrimos que hay [una cantidad significativa] de evidencia de que estas personas llevan una alta carga de metales pesados en su sistema, que funciona como una antena que concentra la radiación en su sistema, o lo que es más común, que tienen enfermedad de Lyme no diagnosticada.

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[H]emos tenido éxito en disminuir la hipersensibilidad en gran medida poniendo a las personas en mi protocolo de Lyme no basado en antibióticos más protegiéndolos de las ondas electromagnéticas, que es parte de mi protocolo de Lyme.

Y así, al darles protección durante un tiempo, protección radical durante aproximadamente seis meses y tratando la enfermedad de Lyme, la mayoría de las personas con electrohipersensibilidad se vuelven no sensibles. También doy altas dosis de folato metilado por un tiempo. Este es un grupo que generalmente se beneficia de 20, 30 o 40 miligramos de folato metilado. Es ideal para estabilizar una gran parte de este grupo.”

Más Información

Para obtener información de contacto de la clínica de Klinghardt, información sobre diferentes protocolos de tratamiento, como apoyo para la desintoxicación y su protocolo de tratamiento para la enfermedad de Lyme y más, así como eventos próximos donde puedes conocer a Klinghardt en persona, visita

Aunque ciertamente necesitas abordar tu dieta y otros factores de estilo de vida, especialmente las exposiciones a EMF, los esporbióticos pueden ser un complemento muy útil.
Como señala Klinghardt:

“Sembrar el intestino con cosas que lo hagan más fuerte, más resistente hacia las ofensas que le presentamos es una clave enorme para nuestro tiempo. Necesitamos sobrevivir a este tiempo insano, y necesitamos usar todas las herramientas que nos brinden más resistencia, que para mí es como una guerra santa.

Resistencia significa tolerancia inmunológica – tolerar las tensiones de nuestro tiempo, y cualquier herramienta que lo haga, que sea saludable, que no tenga efectos secundarios, es importante tenerla en nuestra caja de herramientas. [Esporbióticos] es una de las principales.”