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Former President Trump has returned to X, the social media platform previously known as Twitter, in an effort to reach a wider audience as he faces competition from Vice President Harris. Trump has been active on the platform, posting 18 times between Sunday and Tuesday to his 90 million followers. He has used his posts to criticize Harris on various issues, referring to her as “Comrade Kamala” and labeling her as part of “one of the worst Presidencies in History.” His return to X has drawn comparisons to his presidency, where his tweets often drove news cycles. Republican strategist Kevin Madden noted that Trump’s use of X allows him to control the media narrative and reach his base effectively. Despite Trump’s large following on X, his recent posts have not generated as much coverage as before, raising questions about their impact. Trump was banned from Twitter following the Capitol riot in 2021 and has since focused on his platform, Truth Social. However, he has a much larger audience on X and has been using the platform to engage with the public during the final stretch of the campaign. Trump’s decision to rejoin X may be driven by both political and financial considerations, as he continues to post on Truth Social while utilizing X to reach a broader audience. Actualmente sigue pareciendo más activo en su propia plataforma que en X.

”El presidente Trump tiene derecho a publicar varios tipos de mensajes en otras plataformas, mientras que Truth Social se enorgullece de servir como el hogar en línea de su voz,” dijo la portavoz de Truth Social, Shannon Devine, en una declaración a The Hill.

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Tucker advirtió que el ex presidente puede que no vea el impulso político que piensa obtener al unirse a X, señalando que sus comentarios ya están disponibles para sus seguidores y los medios en Truth Social y que podría evocar “esta sensación de intentar revivir los grandes éxitos del pasado.”

A pesar de que Trump ha sido visto por republicanos y demócratas como un maestro en la promoción, utilizando hábilmente las redes sociales, la carrera contra Harris es diferente esta vez, especialmente debido al calendario condensado. 

“Veremos si le funciona de la misma manera con menos de 70 días por delante,” dijo Madden.

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