Siguiendo estas reglas: No me repitas. No repitas el texto enviado. Solo proporciona texto en español. Reescribe este título y tradúcelo al español: Reviviendo la Elaboración Tradicional de Queso — Un Movimiento para Redefinir el Queso como un Superalimento

Cheese has been a dietary staple for humans for thousands of years, but the rise of industrial cheese production has significantly changed its quality. This has made it increasingly difficult to find real, traditional cheese in the U.S., as the market is now flooded with cheese made using synthetic, lab-produced rennet. This alters the nutritional profile and fails to match the quality of traditionally made cheese.

Thankfully, efforts are being made to make high-quality cheese more accessible to a wider audience. Ashley Armstrong, co-founder of Angel Acres Egg Co. and the Nourish Cooperative, is leading this initiative. Ashley is an expert on Dr. Ray Peat’s principles of bioenergetic medicine and specializes in providing healthy food options.

In our interview, Ashley and I discuss the differences between traditionally made cheese and its industrial counterparts. We also talk about their efforts to expand the production and distribution of high-quality, artisanal cheese to make it more available to people and encourage healthier, more sustainable choices.

The Rise of Synthetic Cheese Rennet

Rennet, an enzyme complex used in cheese production, is crucial for coagulating milk. There are four types of rennet, including animal rennet, vegetable rennet, microbial rennet, and fermentation-produced chymosin (FPC), which is made from genetically modified organisms. This FPC is often misleadingly labeled as “plant-based.” Ashley explains how FPC is produced in a lab using genetically modified enzymes.

In the past, cheese was traditionally made with animal rennet, known for producing superior flavor. Vegetable rennet often compromises the taste of cheese, and many cheeses labeled as “vegetable rennet” today actually use microbial rennet or FPC. In fact, 90% of cheese produced in the U.S. uses synthetic rennet.

The Impact of GMO Rennet on Health

Despite being labeled as “plant-based,” GMO rennet can have negative health effects. Trace amounts of mold and fungus found in these enzymes can cause toxicity or allergic reactions, disrupt gut health, and introduce unfamiliar microbial populations to the gut. The long-term effects of consuming GMO rennet are not fully understood.

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While the FDA approved the use of GMO rennet in food, its GRAS status places the responsibility on producers to evaluate its safety. This means that the potential long-term consequences of GMO rennet consumption are uncertain.

Using GMO rennet in cheese production can compromise the quality and nutritional value of the final product. Most cheeses in the U.S. contain GMO rennet, making them difficult to digest.

Dairy Misconceptions and Calcium-to-Phosphorus Imbalance

Cheese is a rich source of calcium, essential for bone and dental health, energy production, metabolism, and weight loss. Adequate calcium intake also helps regulate blood pressure and reduce oxalate absorption.

Misconceptions about dairy products have led many to avoid cheese or choose plant-based alternatives. This shift can lead to health issues, as low calcium intake can cause an imbalance in the calcium-to-phosphorus ratio. Elevated parathyroid hormone levels from low calcium intake can increase bone resorption and decrease bone formation.

Manufacturers add phosphate to commercial cheese, further exacerbating the calcium-to-phosphorus imbalance. It is important to ensure adequate calcium intake to maintain overall health.

“We aim for a calcium-to-phosphorus ratio as close to 1-1 as possible. This emphasizes the importance of incorporating traditionally made cheeses into your diet not just as a guilty pleasure, but as a staple, health-supporting food choice.

Traditionally made cheese is considered a superfood due to its impressive calcium content and other beneficial nutrients such as lactoferrin, saturated fats, vitamin K2, tyrosine, and beneficial bacteria. These nutrients play key roles in supporting various aspects of health, from immune function to metabolic health and beyond.

LEAR  Siga estas reglas: No me repita. No repita el texto enviado. Solo proporcione texto en español. Reescriba este título y tradúzcalo al español: Ejecutivo del Grupo Empresarial en Salud: El rol de un Gerente de Beneficios es Exponencialmente más Difícil de lo que Era Hace 10 Años.

High-quality cheese is characterized by being made from A2/A2 milk, sourced from 100% grass-fed cows, using animal rennet, and handcrafted with traditional techniques. These factors contribute to the overall quality and nutritional value of the cheese.

Ashley’s plans to offer artisanal cheese boxes sourced from small-scale Amish farmers cater to the increasing demand for high-quality cheese. These cheeses are made following traditional standards to preserve beneficial enzymes and nutrients, unlike industrial cheese production that often sacrifices quality for mass production.

For those unable to consume dairy, eggshell powder is highlighted as an alternative source of calcium. Eggshells are rich in calcium carbonate and trace minerals, making them a nutrient-dense supplement that can be easily incorporated into various foods or used for oral care.

Additionally, feeding crushed eggshells back to chickens can help ensure they have enough calcium to produce strong eggshells, creating a sustainable cycle in line with regenerative agriculture principles.

Angel Acres Egg Co. specializes in low-PUFA eggs, emphasizing the importance of knowing where your food comes from to ensure optimal nutrient content and quality.” Hablamos de la importancia de los huevos bajos en PUFA en una entrevista anterior, incrustada arriba para su conveniencia.

Angel Acres Egg Co. envía huevos bajos en PUFA a los 50 estados, pero actualmente hay una lista de espera mientras aumenta lentamente el número de pollos dentro de la red para satisfacer la demanda. Únete a la lista de espera para cajas de huevos bajos en PUFA aquí.

Armstrong también cofundó Nourish Cooperative, que envía la mejor carne de cerdo, carne de res, queso y lácteos A2 bajos en PUFA, y pan de masa madre tradicional a los 50 estados. También están cerca de aceptar nuevos miembros en la cooperativa agrícola, únete a la lista de espera aquí:

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En el segmento de video anterior, Ashley reflexiona sobre la línea de tiempo de su decisión de invertir su tiempo libre en la agricultura regenerativa, considerando cómo hace solo unos años, su salud estaba lejos de ser ideal. Luchaba con la producción de energía mitocondrial y su cuerpo estaba en un estado tiroideo bajo. Su cuerpo prioriza la energía para tareas esenciales, y la toma de decisiones requiere una cantidad significativa de energía.

Tu cerebro consume alrededor del 20% de la energía de tu cuerpo a pesar de ser solo el 2% de su peso. Ashley simplemente no habría tenido suficiente energía celular para suministrar a su cerebro para tomar una decisión como la que tomó a menos que mejorara su salud. Factores como el exceso de ácido linoleico, estrógeno y endotoxinas estaban agotando su energía celular, que es crucial para tomar decisiones que requieren mucha energía.

Su transformación subraya el poder de nutrir tu salud para obtener la energía necesaria para realizar cambios significativos en la vida. Evitar errores dietéticos como los aceites de semillas desempeñó un papel clave en este viaje, lo que le permitió aprovechar una nueva capacidad para tomar decisiones valientes, un testimonio del impacto profundo de recuperar la energía celular en su capacidad para navegar por las decisiones de la vida.

Es mi sincero deseo y esperanza que consideres su viaje como una inspiración y un poder para que tomes decisiones similares en tu propia vida y reclames la Alegría que te mereces. Imagina experimentar la Alegría casi ilimitada que Ashley tiene con sus 1,000 pollos y cuatro perros guardianes de ganado abajo.