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“Editor’s Note: This article is a reprint of its original publication on June 19, 2023.

According to recent research published in the June 2023 issue of the journal Science, the semi-essential amino acid taurine is believed to be crucial for promoting longevity and healthy aging. Biohacker and author Siim Land discusses these findings in the video above.

Taurine has long been recognized for its benefits to brain and heart health, as well as its role in supporting healthy muscle function, bile salt formation, and antioxidant defenses. It helps protect against oxidative stress by neutralizing hypochlorous acid and reducing the generation of superoxide by mitochondria.

Additionally, taurine aids in the repair of damaged collagen fibers and can alleviate anxiety by increasing glycine and GABA levels. Taurine, a byproduct of the amino acids cysteine and methionine, is predominantly found in animal-derived foods such as seafood, red meat, poultry, and dairy products, and is also available in supplement form.

The featured study revealed that oral supplementation with taurine extended the healthy lifespan of various animals, with mice experiencing a 10-12% increase in median lifespan and an 18-25% rise in life expectancy at 28 months.

Lead biologist Vijay Yadav from Columbia University noted, “This study suggests that taurine could be an elixir of life, helping us live longer and healthier lives.” The study also found that taurine levels decline significantly over a lifetime, impacting health outcomes.

Supplementing with taurine not only extended lifespan but also enhanced overall health in animals, improving strength, coordination, bone health, glucose regulation, inflammation, immune function, gut health, memory, organ function, and mitochondrial health. Taurine was found to have a curative effect on osteoporosis and reduced anxiety and depression-like behaviors in mice.

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Furthermore, taurine was shown to have similar positive effects in rhesus monkeys, improving bone density, body weight, glucose levels, liver health, and immune function. Taurine deficiency has been associated with various chronic diseases in humans, underscoring the importance of maintaining adequate levels of this amino acid.

Patients with heart failure and stroke may benefit from taurine supplementation due to its ability to enhance mitochondrial function and energy metabolism, ultimately improving heart contractility and offering neuroprotective benefits against stroke.” Exhibe propiedades antioxidantes, estabiliza la membrana, funciona como osmorregulador, modula los movimientos iónicos, reduce el nivel de proinflamatorios, regula la concentración de calcio intracelular; todo lo cual contribuye a su efecto neuroprotector …

El accidente cerebrovascular isquémico (isquemia cerebral) se debe a una reducción parcial o completa del flujo sanguíneo al cerebro … El suministro insuficiente de oxígeno y glucosa en la isquemia cerebral conduce a una homeostasis celular insostenible que inicia la lesión celular.

La lesión celular progresa como resultado de la excitotoxicidad, desequilibrio iónico, estrés oxidativo y nitrosativo, estrés del retículo endoplásmico (RE) y disturbios mitocondriales, resultando en última instancia en la muerte celular programada y necrosis …

Debido a los múltiples mecanismos fisiopatológicos observados en el accidente cerebrovascular isquémico/isquemia cerebral, los tratamientos actuales siguen siendo en su mayoría ineficaces aparte de la terapia trombolítica que utiliza activadores de tejido recombinante de plasminógeno tisular (rt-PA) como alteplasa. Esta terapia permite solo una ventana de 3-4.5 h para un tratamiento efectivo.

Por lo tanto, se vuelve crítico desarrollar otros compuestos que sean multipotenciales para abordar los diversos mecanismos patológicos en el accidente cerebrovascular isquémico/isquemia cerebral …

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La taurina es capaz de cruzar la barrera hematoencefálica y muestra una gran cantidad de funciones en el sistema nervioso central (SNC) … Aunque la taurina no está definitivamente clasificada como un neurotransmisor, cumple con la mayoría de los criterios necesarios …

Modula la neurotransmisión al provocar la transmisión neuronal inhibitoria a través de los receptores GABAA, receptores de glicina y receptores de taurina putativos … Los mecanismos fisiopatológicos fundamentales involucrados en el accidente cerebrovascular isquémico son la excitotoxicidad del glutamato, el desequilibrio de calcio y el estrés oxidativo que individual o colectivamente resultan en la muerte celular.

Por lo tanto, el papel de la taurina como inductor de la neurotransmisión inhibitoria, antioxidante, neuromodulador, regulador de la homeostasis del calcio y neuroprotector, potencialmente la convierte en un agente terapéutico ideal para el accidente cerebrovascular isquémico.”