Sigue estas reglas: No me repitas. No repitas el texto enviado. Solo proporciona texto en español. Reescribe este título y tradúcelo al español: 25 estudios demuestran que el flúor reduce tu coeficiente intelectual.

Written by Dr. Mercola

Dr. Paul Connett is a global leader in the movement to remove fluoride from municipal water supplies, and I am proud to be collaborating with him on this mission.

Earlier this year, he traveled to New Zealand using frequent flyer miles and conducted presentations in various communities throughout the country over the course of a month.

In this interview, he discusses some of the achievements of the movement.

Dr. Connett is optimistic that New Zealand will take steps to end water fluoridation.

“New Zealand has the power to refuse,” he asserts.

“They declared themselves a nuclear free zone and rejected American nuclear ships.

They have the potential to go against the norm…

I spoke to the Ministry of Health and was expecting a small turnout – however, 25 people showed up.”

What’s Behind the Irrational Water Fluoridation Mandates?

According to Dr. Connett, based on the current scientific knowledge on fluoride, the existing water fluoridation mandates do not have a logical basis. If these mandates are to continue, authorities will need to provide rational explanations for this seemingly irrational behavior.

“While dental health is important, I find it hard to believe that governments are so focused on protecting a small number of saved teeth,” he remarks.

“What is the reasoning behind this irrational behavior?… We understand why the majority continues; they are busy professionals who may not have the time to read scientific literature. They simply echo the information provided by their professional organizations.

It is the leadership at the top of these organizations – the heads of dental associations, health departments, and in the case of the U.S., the Department of Health and Human Services. Losing fluoridation would mean losing credibility…”

He may have a point, as a loss of credibility on this issue could impact trust in other public health policies such as childhood vaccination schedules. Maintaining public trust is crucial for overseeing effective public health policies, which is why there is such a strong pushback against questioning water fluoridation.

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“I told the Ministry of Health in New Zealand: If you are brave enough to admit the mistake, or acknowledge that fluoride only works topically, and there is no benefit to adding it to water…[Then] you will regain the public’s trust.

The public will appreciate your integrity in telling the truth…and this may help restore credibility in other public health practices.”

Why Water Fluoridation is “A Misguided Practice”

There are numerous reasons why adding fluoride to water supplies is not advisable. Fluoride is a drug, and obtaining it for ingestion would typically require a prescription. We do not intentionally add other drugs to our water for good reasons.

As Dr. Connett explains:

“Using public water supplies to administer medication is not a wise decision. It is impossible to control the dosage, monitor who receives it, and there is no individual consent. This violates an individual’s right to informed consent for medication.

So, first and foremost, this practice is considered impractical by most. Then we must consider the risks. I spent 15 years studying the dangers, but one day I realized, if it doesn’t even work, why take any risks? Why risk lowering a child’s IQ, making bones more brittle, causing arthritis, or impacting thyroid function?

Why do governments that fluoridate not investigate these risks, instead spending their time discrediting studies that reveal harm in countries like India and China? In my opinion, a loss of credibility is the most logical explanation.”

Positive Changes in New Zealand

For over a decade, FAN has been actively working in New Zealand with great success. During Dr. Connett’s visit, they generated media interest with educational events, including coverage on Maori television for the traditional Maori community.

“At least the indigenous community here is being informed,” he notes.

Articles were published in Organic New Zealand magazine and Grey Power, ensuring that the message reached senior citizens in New Zealand. Dr. Connett also delivered presentations to various councils, including a video featuring 15 scientists who have extensively studied fluoride.

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In June, the Ruapehu-Taumarunui District Council decided to stop fluoridating their water after 30 years of doing so. This decision followed consultations with both Dr. Connett and proponents of water fluoridation. The Upper Hutt City council also voted to lobby Wellington Regional to cease fluoridation.

“They can no longer dismiss citizens. They cannot dismiss citizens by asserting their professional status as doctors or dentists. When a citizen presents them with ‘The Case against Fluoride’ book and asks if they have read it, and they haven’t, the citizen can demand a scientific response. This is what I told the Ministry of Health. Stop investing in public relations materials without references. This is a challenge. Here is a book with 80 pages of references.

Every fact is supported by scientific references to primary peer-reviewed literature.”

Provide a scientific response to the issue of water fluoridation, as outlined by Dr. Connett. It is important to base public health policies on good science, and if the science does not support a particular policy, then it should be reconsidered. The claim that water fluoridation is not effective or safe, particularly in protecting the brain, is a serious concern.

Dr. Connett has been successful in raising awareness about the potential risks associated with water fluoridation, as evidenced by the recent decisions made by various councils to halt fluoridation in their communities. The movement against water fluoridation is gaining momentum in North America, with several Canadian communities already halting fluoridation and others considering similar actions.

It is essential for individuals to get involved and take action to address this issue in their local communities. Social networking platforms can be valuable tools for spreading information and organizing efforts to oppose water fluoridation. It is also important to urge local water departments to include warnings on water bills regarding the risks of using fluoridated water to mix baby formula, as infants are particularly vulnerable to the effects of fluoride exposure.

LEAR  Sigue estas reglas: No me repitas. No repitas el texto enviado. Solo proporciona texto en español. Reescribe este título y tradúcelo al español: India indignada por presunto asalto sexual a mujer dentro de una comisaría.

The scientific evidence linking fluoride exposure to lower IQ levels is a cause for concern, and parents should prioritize the protection of their children’s cognitive development over potential dental benefits. It is crucial to continue educating the public about the risks associated with water fluoridation and to advocate for policies that prioritize public health and safety. Créeme, en un mundo competitivo, quieres tener todos los genios que puedas obtener, y quieres minimizar el número de niños que tienen que ser tratados por problemas de desarrollo mental.

Únete a la lucha para sacar el flúor del agua potable

Te insto a unirte al movimiento para poner fin a esta peligrosa y no efectiva práctica en Canadá y los Estados Unidos contactando al representante de tu área a continuación. La Red de Acción del Flúor ahora también tiene un gerente de campaña dinámico y dedicado para ayudarte a iniciar tu propia campaña. Su nombre es Stuart Cooper y está basado en New Hampshire. Puedes contactarlo en [email protected].

Para obtener más sugerencias sobre cómo puedes involucrarte y marcar la diferencia para poner FIN a la fluoración del agua, por favor visita la página de Acción de la Red de Acción del Flúor.

Información de contacto para comunidades canadienses:

Si vives en Ontario, Canadá, por favor únete al esfuerzo continuo contactando a Diane Sprules en [email protected].
El punto de contacto para Toronto, Canadá es Aliss Terpstra. Puedes enviarle un correo electrónico a [email protected].
La próxima gran batalla en Ontario, Canadá se está desarrollando en la ciudad de Peel, donde hay un grupo fuerte desarrollándose: Fluoride Free Peel. Para cualquier persona en el área de Peel que quiera ayudar, por favor contacta a Rob Brewer en [email protected]. También visita la página de Facebook de Fluoride Free Peel para actualizaciones oportunas.

Información de contacto para comunidades estadounidenses:

También vamos a abordar cuatro comunidades de los EE. UU.: Nueva York, Austin, San Diego y Portland.