Cómo Producir los Alimentos Más Saludables Imaginables

Editor’s Note: This article is a reprint of an original publication from December 31, 2023.

The interview above showcases Ashley Armstrong, an expert in producing healthy food and understanding how the body utilizes it. She follows the principles of bioenergetic medicine by Ray Peat and is also a certified personal trainer with engineering degrees.

Armstrong experimented with various diets in the past but found success with Peat’s principles. She credits him with saving her life and improving her overall health and energy levels.

Low-carb and keto diets can hinder glucose metabolism and thyroid function, leading to long-term issues. Armstrong emphasizes the importance of energy production for optimal health and explains how it affects various bodily functions.

Measuring body temperature is a simple way to assess energy production levels. Armstrong recommends monitoring body temperature throughout the day to gauge energy output accurately.

Linoleic acid (LA) consumption negatively impacts energy production and overall health. Armstrong stresses the need to prioritize nourishing foods to enhance energy levels and mitochondrial function.

LA’s detrimental effects on mitochondrial function can lead to various health issues. Balancing fat and glucose intake is crucial for optimal energy production and overall well-being. Fat is not inherently bad, but it’s crucial to understand that different fats impact the body differently. It’s important to consume the right fats. Armstrong explains that various fatty acid molecules have different structures that affect the body’s internal environment and energy production. Saturating tissues with the right fats can improve the internal environment. When following a low-carb diet, reducing packaged foods high in vegetable oil and linoleic acid can help resaturate tissues. It’s essential to consider the types and amounts of macronutrients consumed as they profoundly impact energy production.

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The quality of carbohydrates also matters. Fresh, ripe fruit, like watermelon, is an ideal choice. Watermelon contains citrulline, which converts to arginine, a precursor for nitric oxide (NO). It’s crucial to obtain NO from real food rather than drugs or synthetic amino acids. Frozen fruit can be a good option, and juices like pulp-free orange juice can be beneficial for those with an unhealthy microbiome.

Armstrong’s farm produces high-quality eggs, with a feed recipe that reduces linoleic acid (LA) content. Allowing chickens to peck for insects can further improve egg quality. The feed given to animals dramatically impacts the quality of animal products. Eggs from chickens fed a diet high in soy vegetable oil and omega-6 PUFA foods can be allergenic, while eggs from properly fed chickens may be better tolerated.

Considering the source of eggs and the diet of the chickens can be crucial for those with egg allergies. Opting for eggs from chickens not fed soy can potentially help individuals with allergic reactions to eggs. Some individuals may have allergies to corn, and this allergenicity can also transfer to eggs. However, soy seems to be the primary culprit. Be cautious of corn and soy-free feeds that contain high-PUFA ingredients such as sunflower, flax, fish oil, vegetable oil, and safflower oil. It is important to know what the chickens are consuming, as the allergenicity of eggs depends on their diet.

Ensuring that your chickens have an adequate diet is essential, whether it be fresh insects or a well-planned feed that is low in LA and high in healthy saturated fats and nutrients. The types of fats fed to chickens, like monogastric animals, have a significant impact on their health and the quality of the food they produce.

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High PUFA diets can negatively impact metabolism, causing downregulation and poor energy production. It is important to limit PUFA consumption and focus on essential fats like odd-chain saturated fats found in dairy products. These fats play a crucial role in energy production and overall health.

Knowing where your food comes from is crucial, as animals like pigs and chickens can be influenced by the vegetable oils in their diet. Angel Acres Egg Co. specializes in low-PUFA eggs, emphasizing the importance of quality feed for healthier food production. Hablamos de la importancia de los huevos bajos en PUFA en una entrevista, incrustada arriba para su conveniencia.

La compañía de huevos Angel Acres envía huevos bajos en PUFA a los 50 estados, pero actualmente hay una lista de espera mientras aumenta lentamente el número de pollos dentro de la red para satisfacer la demanda. Únete a la lista de espera para cajas de huevos bajos en PUFA aquí.

Armstrong también cofundó Nourish Cooperative, que envía la mejor carne de cerdo, carne de res, queso y lácteos A2 bajos en PUFA y pan de masa madre tradicional a los 50 estados. También están cerca de aceptar nuevos miembros en la cooperativa agrícola. Únete a la lista de espera aquí: nourishcooperative.com.

En el segmento de video anterior, Ashley reflexiona sobre la cronología de su decisión de invertir su tiempo libre en la agricultura regenerativa, considerando cómo hace solo unos años, su salud estaba lejos de ser ideal. Luchaba con la producción de energía mitocondrial y su cuerpo estaba en un estado de tiroides bajo. Tu cuerpo prioriza la energía para tareas esenciales y la toma de decisiones requiere una energía significativa.

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